Chapter 7

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Emma's P.O.V

katie cant be pregnant. she was always the one who we least expected. i know Helena, Lauren and Elizabeth have had sex. Elizabeths was another drunk mistake but the guy was nice, he was also really hot. Lauren just falls for guys to easy, got tricked really bless her. i can tell them two regret it like crazy. Helena's was with her lond term boyfriend Andrew, he was fair good looking and an amazing lad. They were so inlove and some time last year they ended up doing it. He moved to Cornwall so they broke up. it killed her at first but she never regretted anything, she was ready i suppose. i suppose if HARRY STYLES wants to jump in bed with you you dont say no, unless your dating louis, zayn, niall or liam obviously.

but katie,



with a BABY?

what will she do about work... she always wanted to be a midwife,

or a teacher.

or some kind a manager...

she didnt really know what she wanted to do.

i do know she had this sort of plan.

and she's about 8 years early for a baby.

"Emma?" someone asked me, pulling me out of my trance.

"yeah? what? huh?" i jumped, looking up to see louis staring down at me, looking confused.

"do you know about emma? i saw you leave with her ealier? and then she ran bacj and told harry she was-"

"pregnant?" i guessed, he nodded, sitting down on the floor next to me.

"Is she sure?" Louis asked me, staring off into the distance. I looked at him funnily.

"I had to buy her 8 tests. 7 positive.." I cried, he halfheartedly laughed.

"Woah, our best friends are having a baby." He whispered. "I don't even know you guys that much. I know your a laugh though!"

"These past few days have been amazing! Finally the fun I've been wanting for years!" I laughed. "Never had the money I guess."

"So, you guys come from manchester?" He asked.

"Nah, not far from here though," I mumbled.

"What brought you here?" He asked.

"Partying, we just finished our last GCSE's" I smiled. "We're all heading off to london in september."

"Oh, so you guys are 16? You look older." He laughed.

"Yupppppp." I giggled popping on the 'P'

" I guess we better head back to the hotel... No-one knows where harry and katie got too." Louis mumbled, jumping up and holding his arm out for me.

"Suppose..." I muttered, grabbing his hand and got up. I was expecting him to let go once I was up but he swung them to his side and walked down the hall talking to me about college and stuff. I told him that I'd always wanted to be a doctor or something. He told me about his family and friends. We seemed to get along with eachother amazingly. Its good to know there's someone I can talk to other than the girls, get a second opinion and stuff. Cause I can tell the next 9 months are going to be complicated, and involve a lot of one direction. We decided to take his car to nandos and get something to eat before facing everyone. He know that we're the only 2, other than the parents;), that know about katies pregnancy so we'd rather not be questioned about anything. We got to talking about anything and everything and I really started to open up to him. I could tell why he was such a likeable person because he was easy to talk to. He always seemed to be laughing and making jokes. He talked for ever and ever, well, I can't really say much about that, its a good quality about him. When we finally decided to go back home it was almost midnight. After being mobbed by a few groups of fans and chased by some press we finally made it back to his car. We put on the radio and started singing to all the songs we knew. A few of the song me+ the girls had dances to so it was funny seeing his reaction to the dancing I was doing in his car. He drove round roads over and over because of the fun we were having raving in his car. When it reached 1 am we finally decided to call it a night. We walked in to find everyone asleep. It didn't look like much had happened all night because the fridge seemed untouched, no new room service orders, people were just lead in the same places as last night. All except For lauren, who was now crashed out on the sofa where I was, not top to tailing with niall. I could tell why when I came up to nialls bed, he was spread out as far as he could and no-one could get in there with him, aha.

"Come on, you can sleep in my bed." Louis Laughed

"Thanks!" I smiled, walking into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, got changed into some joggers and a vest top and came back out.

"Come on then." Louis smiled, climbing into he bed. I got in the other side.

"Night, em." Louis smiled.

"Night, lou!" I replied closing my eyes.

Harrys P.O.V

"You wanna tell me what happened?" One of our management screamed at me.

"Nope." I half heartedly growled.

"You can't just run off stage infront of thousands of people like that!!" He yelled. "People are asking for re-funds!!"

" Why? They were promised a performance from one direction, they got a performance." I glared at the man, I could punch him at any minute.

"Pfft. Anyway, I don't think you should see that Katie again!" He mumbled, turning around.

"Well that's NOT happening!" I yelled at him, making him turn back around.

"We know what's best for the band." He laughed, he was fucking laughing.

"Everythings about the god damn band! Were doing just fine 2 years in. The fans will be happy when they know I've got a girlfriend the same age, it will be better!" I tried.

"You can't just run off stage like that." He yelled, forcing his fist on the table in frustration, he looked at me angrily.

"I KNOW I CAN'T, I was feeling ill." I muttered.

"Ill? Ahaha, no you weren't I saw you talking beforehand, somethings happened." He evily said to me.

" I'm not telling you nothing." I yelled.

"Fine. But just make sure that when we need you, we can have you." He huffed, walking out.

"How you feeling?" Paul said coming up to me.

"Not to good." I admitted. "Anyway, why you here, tours over?"

"I heard what happened." He mumbled.

"Oh." I laughed.

"anyway, you know you can talk to me." Paul said standing up.

"Yeah, yeah. I need to go find katie." I mumbled, slamming my fist on the table and walking out.

"Harry, you need to dump that girl." Paul muttered.

"OH NOT YOU AS WELL!" I yelled.

Why is EVERYONE against me.

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