Chapter 10

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That wasnt the last i saw of Harry, over the next week he tried to get to me a lot. coming round to our flat, only to be ninja'd out by Emma and Elizabeth. Coming to college... that was pretty funny actually.


here me and Emma are, chilling in a chemistry lecture. i cant even remember what the proffessor was saying. i have the notes somewhere in my notepad but for now im just gunna make him say random things.

"so... if you take the bubububu and put it in the badingydong it'll make a big bang and den everyone will go waaaa and the chinkchonk will started to decompose and the badingydong will seppereat into badings and dongleys. Then the bubububu will react with the chink from the chinkchonk and create bubuchinkoxide and carbon dioxide. which then means it becomes a salt. then the bazinga from whats left of the ba-" my lecturer began, oh god how stupid i just made that sound.

"IS THAT HARRY STYLES??" someone from across the room yelled. and sure enough, they were right. Harry was standing outside my Chemisty classroom.

"ITS OKAY KATIE. I GOT THIS! AGAIN!" Emma yelled from next to me, getting up and attracting all attention on to her. "SORRY MR. JEFFERSON BUT THIS NEEDS TO GO DOWN!"

she walked out of the row and down the stairs, just as harry opened the door.

"um, excuse me is kati-" harry began, looking nervous.

"OH NO YOU DONT HARRY STYLES!" Emma yelled in her badman voice, pointing her finger at him viciously, quite a funny sight actually.

"oh, um, emma." he mumbled.

"OH DONT YOU 'um, emma' ME!" she yelled, god she's a spaz. "WHAT YOU DOING HERE, BOY. NO-ONE WANTS YOU HERE! except for maybe tina, she's a giant directioner. SAY HI TO TINA HARRY, SAY HI!!!"

"um, hi, tina!?" harry mumbled, looking actually quite scared, and i was just sat there, pissing myself laughing.

"YEAH. GOOD. ANYWAY, YOU DONT BELONG HERE. WE DONT WANNA SEE YOU. except for tonight i left my curlers at yours and louis' apartment. BUT OTHER THAN THAT, NO!" she shrieked, obviously joking though, being way over dramatic.


"um... okay?" harry slured. "I should go."

he stumbled out of the room, almost falling over and running down the hall.

"YOU BETTER RUN!" emma yelled after him, she turned round to find everyone staring at her. Embarrased, she looked to the floor. "what? it needed to be done."

the whole classroom errupted into laughed, even mr. jefferson was laughing his head off. Tina was just staring at emma wide eyed. that was one of the funniest moments ever.

Flashback ovvverrr

but now,

i sit here,

surrounded by gift baskets,

full of muffins,

from harry.

great stuff.

10/10 for originality harry.

I didnt think of him of much of a 'hannah montana' kind of kid but i definately remember this happening on an episode.

"one's just come full of unicorn cookies, obviously designed to win me over!" Elizabeth, laughed, walking through with a few more baskets.

"He doesnt give up does he..." Emma mumbled, munching on a blueberry muffin.

"not easily!" i huffed, peeling the rapper off a wham bar.

"Helena, ring zayn. ask him if they've got any blueberry muffins left?" Emma asked. " these are to DIE for."

"You actuall freak emma!" Louis cried, he was caught by emma leaving a basket of blueberry muffins outside and was pulled inside, so he could report back to harry.

"they are, try this!" Emma wined, breakning a bit off and throwing it at him. he put it in his mouth and his eyes lit up.

"OHMYGOSH THATS AMAZING!!" he yelled, then getting up and tackling her for more.

"hey zayn?" i heard helena say over the shrieks of emma. she's actually called him. "yeah, are there anymore Blueberry muffins."

i tried to mime the word 'speakerphone' silently to her, but helena being helena screamed a load 'YOU WHAT??' down the phone,but directed to me.

"speakerphone." i cried, facepalming myself.

"oh right," she mumbled, pressing a button on her phone.

helena- Pardon, Zayn?

Zayn- i was juts saying, we have loads left.

Me- oh my...

Zayn- Oh, hey katie.

Harry- Is that katie? give it me! give me the phone zayn! i need to talk to her!!!

Me- Tell him you juts did that to wind him up!

Zayn- i, er, just did that to wind you up, its not katie, its helena.

Harry- Oh...

Helena- So, when will he run out of muffins..?

Zayn- Never... He works at zee muffin Fac-to-ree!! ( ASDF MOVIE QUOTE!!!! )

Helena- hahahahahaah. whats with the French accent?

Zayn- Havent you heard? im french now?

Helena- what?

Zayn- Never heard the song ' Stand Up ' ...? AND NOW WERE STEALING ZEE CAR!

Helena- Ok, ok, ok zayn! you can stop now, just tell harry to tone it down a bit yeah?

Zayn- fine, ok. see you.

Helena- bye.

"ASDF MOVIEEEE!!!" i yelled.

"i cant believe they've watched them!" Emma shrieked.

"yeah? its like the funniest thing ever," louis laughed.

"so, what else has harry got planned to woo her over?" Lydia asked, eating some chocolate covered strawberrys.

"aaah, that would be telling. but i swear to god, its brilliant." Louis smirked evilly at me.

"im going to sleep now though, this pregnancy is killing me!" i wined.

" fine, need some help getting up?" Ailish asked... oh yeah, ailish.. pronounced Ale- ish. you dont know her. see she goes mine and katies college and she got into a massive fight with her roommate after walking in on her and her boyfriend in a very suggestive position sucking eachothers faces off. aparently it wasnt really nice. anyway, we said she could stay with us for a while and we just ended up really liking her, so she's been here ever since. pretty funny really.

"thanks ailish!" i smiled, putting my arm round her as she pulled me up, i stumbled off to my room and collapsed on the bed, falling straight asleep...

sorry about the short chapters but it makes me be able to get through them quickerrr.

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