1 ; every damn night

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They say when you fall in love, you stay in love forever. That's what Charlotte Flair believed. That is until she sees her boyfriend, Bobby Roode, flirting with many females. She didn't say anything. She doesn't have to say anything. Especially when she knows that her relationship with Bobby, it makes her father happy and she didn't want to disappoint him.

"You doing Ok, Ash?" Bayley asked her best friend. Charlotte huffed. "No. I have to deal with Bobby's bullshit later tonight and to make things even worse, I have another tag team match with Roman," she explains to her best friend. "Just tell me everything's going to be OK, Pam?" Charlotte looks at Bayley. Bayley sighs. "If I did, then I would be lying," Bayley says. "I guess you're right."

"Charlotte, you're on in five," a stage crew member came into the locker room. Charlotte nodded as she put on her robe. "I'll see you later. Wish me luck," she says. "Now if I told you that, I would be lying," Bayley smiled giving her a hug. "Oh, I know I'll be fine. Just pray that I don't try to rip out Roman's hair," Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"I don't understand why you guys hate each other," Bayley chuckles. Charlotte shrugs. "I'll be back," she says before walking out the room.

She gets to the gorilla and sees Roman already there. "Look who's early," he teases, making her roll her eyes again. "Leave me alone," she says. "But remember last week when you yelled at me for being late? Remember that, princess?" Roman glared. Charlotte huffed as she heard her music. "Stay out of my way," she says before walking out the curtain.

Charlotte did her entrance fine and had a huge smile on her face before hearing Roman's music, turning her smile into a frown. "You good, princess?" Miz called at her with a smirk on his face, while Maryse chuckled. Charlotte rolled her eyes as Roman stood at the top rope, lifting her arms. He got down as he looked at Charlotte and scoffed.

The ref was telling both teams to pick someone to start off. "I got it," Roman stands in front of Charlotte. "Why do you always have to start the match?" Charlotte crosses her arms over her chest. "Fine, princess. You better not fuck this up," Roman rolls his eyes before going underneath the second rope.

"You stay out of my way, and we won't have a problem," Charlotte huffed as she started to square off with Maryse. Before locking up, Maryse went back to her corner and tagged her husband in. The two laughed as Miz came in the ring. "Corner, princess," Miz teased as he pointed to Roman. Charlotte rolled her eyes again.

"Lord, help me," she mumbles as she lets Roman go inside the ring. "Don't assume he'll listen to your prayers. He didn't listen to mine when I didn't want to be your tag team partner," Roman smirked before walking away.

501 words

First official chapter! I hope you guys liked it! I'm publishing 10 chapters, so this chapter 1/10.

The chapters for this book are going to be a lot shorter than how they were for 'Imma Dog Too', but there will be a lot of things happening, so to get you guys prepared, make sure to have your: tissues, blanket, candy, and stress ball ready because you're in for a wild ride!

Love you all!


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