18 ; flesh and blood

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"Wow, it's hot," Charlotte exhales as they walk out of the airport. Roman chuckles. "Welcome to Florida, princess," he says. She smiles. "Alright. The rental car is," he says looking down at his phone. "Over there," he says looking over at the black jeep parked.

"You sure you want me there? I don't want to cause any trouble between you and Galina," Charlotte says as Roman parks the car in the driveway. Roman puts his hand on her thigh. "Just you being here is enough," he says. She blushes and smiles. "OK."

Roman takes the keys out of his pocket and jambles through the locks. "I'm sorry, why do you have a key to your ex-wife's house?" Charlotte asks. He unlocks the door and looks at her. "I stole a key. Joelle stays with me most of the time, so whenever I need something, I sneak in here," he says opening the door.

He closes the door, seeing boxes next to it, making Roman sigh. "I still can't believe she's doing this," he whispers. She puts her hand on his back. "It'll be OK. You'll get full custody over her," she comforts.

"Divorced for not even two years and you're already dating?" The two hear. Roman looks up and sees Galina with her hands on her hips. "First of all, she's not my girlfriend. And why are you talking? How many guys have you been with during and after we were married?" He says.

Galina scoffs. "That's all her stuff. She's upstairs, doing whatever she does," she points to the boxes. Roman rolls his eyes and walks up the stairs. He turns around to see Charlotte facing Galina. "Ash, come on," he says getting her attention. Charlotte looks at Roman before following him up the stairs.

The two walk down the hall to see Joelle looking around her room, with nothing but a bed set and the pink walls.

"Hey, princess," he says, getting her attention. She smiles. "Hi, daddy," she says walking up to her dad. Roman picks her up and kisses her cheek. "How are you feeling?" Roman asks. Joelle nods. "Fine. I don't want to stay here anymore," she says.

Roman sighs. "I know. I'm taking you home," he kisses her cheek. "This is my friend, Ashley," he introducing Charlotte. "No, daddy. That's Charlotte," Joelle giggles, making Roman and Charlotte laugh. "Yeah. I am Charlotte," she smiles.

Joelle reaches over to Charlotte and she takes her away. "We'll be in the car," she says walking out the room. Roman sighs as he looks around the bare room. He walks out to see some of the boxes gone, with Charlotte and Joelle packing them in the trunk of the car.

"Why are you doing this?" Roman asks Galina as he watches her drink her wine. She scoffs. "I don't want to be a mother anymore. Too much responsibility," she says. "And it's easier for me? I'm home at least 5 times a month," Roman says.

Galina shrugs. "I don't want to be a mother anymore," she repeats. "I have other stuff that I have to deal with." "She's your flesh and blood and you were the one who wanted to have her. Are you saying that she was a mistake?" She sighs.

"Wow," Roman says. "Now I know why you didn't want her. I'm glad you don't want her. I get my daughter all to myself," he says walking up to her. "Don't you dare ask for visitation rights. You're gonna miss out on 13 beautiful years of JoJo's life," he says picking up two more boxes and walks out the house.

605 words

OUUFF!! Three chapters in one day!! Next chapter, might be in a couple minutes or tomorrow, who knows??

I hope you guys liked it! Next one will be up soon!!

Love you all!!


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