24 ; december 27th

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With feelings in the air, Charlotte and Roman barely talked to each other. Charlotte couldn't tell him anything anymore. She couldn't say anything without trying to kiss him.

Tuesday came by quickly and Charlotte was trying to avoid Roman as much as possible, and the girls started to notice, trying to pry it out of her.

"You can't avoid him forever, Ash. You need to tell him," Sasha says. "No. It'll just make things much worse for us. I don't need anything to be any more complicated," Charlotte says. "All I'm just saying is that things are going to be more awkward if you don't tell him," Sasha says.

"Tell who what?" Roman walked up to them. "Nothing," Charlotte says. "Um, we need to talk," Roman says. "No, no we don't," she says. "I'm not talking to anyone about anything," Charlotte walks away.

Sasha faces Roman. "Talk to her," she says. "Did you not just see what happened?" Roman says. "She doesn't want to talk to me." "I know you have feelings for her," Sasha says. Roman rolls his eyes and sighs, putting his hands in his pockets. "Talk to her. She's going through a hard time," she says before walking away.

A couple of hours later, the live event was almost over and Charlotte was sitting at catering by herself when she saw someone sit in front of her. She looked up and saw Hunter.

"How are you doing?" He asks. "He told you, didn't he?" She says. He sighs and nods. Charlotte rolls her eyes and stands up. "Ash, sit down," he stands up. "No. I don't want to talk about it. I'm fine," she walks away.

She walks through the arena to find Roman leaning against a crate on his phone.

"You said after the live event," she says. Roman looks up from his phone. "Like you were going to tell him," he rolls his eyes. "I was going to tell him. I really was," she says. "You're not good at lying, Ash," he leans off the crate.

"Why couldn't you just drop the topic? I said it was fine," she said. "You had a fucking bruise from an old ass guy who tried to rape you and you want me to drop the topic?" He yelled. "I was fine," she yelled back. "I got over it! Why can't you?"

Roman scoffs. "You know why I can't get over it? You wanna know why I can't just drop it?" Roman says. "Please," she crosses her arms around her chest. "Enlighten me." "Because I'm in love with you," he shouts making her release her arms from across her chest.

"Yeah," he scoffs. "I'm in love with you. That's why I saved you, that's why I let you move in with me, and that's why I was forcing you to tell Hunter what happened. Sorry for caring," he says before walking away.

Charlotte walked back to where Hunter was and saw him still in the same seat that he was in. She goes back to her seat in front of him.

"You ready to talk?" He smiles. She sighs and nods. "You wanna tell me what happened?" He asks. She sighs. "Roman pulled up to a gas station and I went to get something from the gas station and I was talking to Roman on the phone when the gas station owner came and attacked me," Charlotte explained.

"Ashley, why didn't you tell me this?" Hunter says. "I wanted to forget about it. I don't like thinking about it. But now that Roman brought it up, it's all I can think about," she says. "Ash, you should've just told me instead of hiding this. I would've been able to help you," Hunter says.

Charlotte sighs. "I'm sorry," she says. "It's alright," he stands up. "Come here," he opens his arms out. She smiles and hugs him back.

"You should talk to Joe. I think I found the third man that cares about you," he says. Charlotte exhales. "I know," she pulls away. "I think he left. I gotta go."

680 words

Wow. Who knew that you could finish a book in two weeks? Once again, wow.

BUUUUUT, Roman finally admitted to Charlotte his feelings and Charlotte finally talked to Hunter about what happened. I saw someone comment if we would ever find out why they hate each other, so let me explain.

Charlotte doesn't hate Roman and Roman doesn't hate Charlotte. The reason they fight is for Roman to get Charlotte's attention like Dean and Seth said.

But yeah! The last chapter will be up soon!

Love you all!!


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