14 ; unbelievable

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Roman walked into the hotel room to see Brie on her phone, in the bed. He closed the door, getting her attention.

"Sorry about that. Charlotte's waist was hurting her so, I went to drop her stuff off for her," he said putting his luggage on by the door. "How's Birdie?" He asked.

"She's fine," she says. Roman looks at her with confusion. "What's up? You look angry," he asked taking off his shirt. "Nothing," she sighs. "It's just that, I need to tell you something," she sits up.

"Can I take a shower first? It's been a long night," he says going into the bathroom. "Yeah, sure," she says, leaning back on the pillow. "I'll be done. Real fast," he says going to the bathroom.

After about ten minutes, Roman came out in his pajamas. "Alright," he says sitting next to her. "What's up? What's making my Bella upset?"

"I'm pregnant," she says. Roman looks at her with even more confusion. "And that's gonna make me upset why?" He asks. She sighs. "You're making this hard for me," she says.

"What's your problem? Why are you so upset?" He asks. "Why does everything have to be about you?" She asks. "Me? I'm sacrificing my family in Florida to live with you and your daughter," he says. "I didn't ask you to."

"Well, the way you acted like it, you pressured me into it. What, I'm supposed to get down on one knee and propose to you because you're going to have my child?" He says facing her.

"It's not yours," she yells. Roman looked at her stunned. "I'm so so-", Brie starts. "What do you mean it's not mine? We had sex two weeks ago," he says. She sighed. "I've been cheating on you for the past three years," she says.

Roman gets off the bed moving, running his hand through his hair. "With who?" He asks. "Daniel," she trails off, making Roman face her. "You're ex-husband? You're cheating on me with your ex-husband. Might as well just go have sex with Bobby while you're at it," he yells at her.

"Roman, I am so so-" she says. "No. So you've been with your ex a year before you decided to date me, then you get pregnant by him and try to twist the story around to make it seem like the baby's mine."

"I'm sorry, OK?" She says. He scoffs and shakes his head. "She was right. This whole time I was yelling at her for lying to me, thinking that what she was saying was bullshit, but what I was telling her was bullshit," he says. "Who?"

He scoffs again as he looks at her. "I don't know. Why don't you ask the baby or your husband? I'm sure they'll tell you everything since apparently, you don't do the same with me," he says grabbing his phone before storming out the room.

485 words

Big confession, though most of you solved the case. So, now there's one cat out of the bag. Now we have to wait till December 27th to see if Charlotte told anyone about what happened.

Well, I hope you guys liked this chapter! Next one will be up soon!


P.S.: It's almost three in the morning... just wanted to put that out there... OK, bye

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