19 ; new life

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"You really didn't have to help with all of this, Ash. I swear, we're fine," Roman smiled as Charlotte brought some of Joelle's boxes into the house. "But, I want to. She looks so much like you," Charlotte smiles putting a box next to the door. Roman chuckles. "Yeah. That's what everyone says."

"Daddy, can we get ice cream now?" Joelle asked making the two adults chuckle. "You wanna come, Ash?" He asks, picking Joelle up. She smiles and nods. "Why not?"

"Alright," he says walking to the booth where Charlotte and Joelle were. "Daddy's cheap, so we're sharing a banana split," he says putting a bowl in front of them, making the girls giggle.

"JoJo, how's school?" Charlotte asked, giving her a spoon. "Good. I want to start gymnastics," she smiles. "Wow. When did that come to mind?" Roman asks. "I don't know. I just want to do flips and cartwheels like Charlotte," Joelle smiles, making Charlotte blush. "Thank you, JoJo."

"Well, I could teach you some basic stuff, if that's OK with your dad," Charlotte looks at Roman. Joelle's eyes lit up. "Can she, daddy? Pretty please?" She asked Roman. He chuckled. "You're not going back to North Carolina anytime soon," he says.

"I don't mind. I'll just find an apartment and come by sometimes," she says. "You're kidding right?" Roman laughs. "What?" She asks. "Move in. I don't care," he shrugs.

"No, no. Joe, I can't move in," she says. "Yes you can," Joelle chimes in. "Yeah. We'll be roommates. We drive together every day. Driving buddies turning into roommates," he smiles.

"Can I just think about it? For a bit?" She asked. "Thought about it, done. We have, like three other rooms and you can pick one," he says. "Roman. Please? Give me a week," she says. "Alright. When a week passes and you still didn't make a choice, I'm making it for you," he says, making her giggle. "Fine."

"I'm gonna go get some water," Charlotte stands up. "I'll be right back."

"You like her," Joelle coos. Roman chuckles. "No, I don't. She's just a friend. I used to hate her," he says. Joelle gasps. "But she used to hate me too," he explains. "So then why do you want her to move in?" She smiles.

"You're really smart for a five-year-old," Roman smirks. "So you do like her?" Joelle says. He chuckles. "I don't know. But when I do, you'll be the first to know," he smiles. Joelle smiles and nods.

"I have a really smart daddy," she smiles, reaching over to kiss his cheek. "I love you baby girl, and I'm going to protect you, alright?" He says. Joelle nods. "I love you too, daddy."

445 words

Big steps! So what do you guys think Charlotte's gonna do? Will she take it? Will she not take it? Who knows? I know! HAHAHAHA! Best thing about being the writer!

Also, thank you guys so much for 1.2K views! This book has been up for more than two and a half weeks and it already has that many views! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

Next chapter will be up soon and I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Love you all!!


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