21 ; heads or tails

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With messed up schedules, Roman and Charlotte haven't been with each other for about three days. But Charlotte did tell him that she was gonna move in, which did make Joelle happy.

Right now, due to there being an all-female pay-per-view soon, Roman was home with Joelle, when Dean and Seth decided to drop by.

"Daddy, the door," Joelle jumps on the couch that her dad was on, seeing that he was playing video games. "Go open it, baby," he says looking at the TV. "No. You said not to open the door," she says, crawling on to her dad's lap. "JoJo," he chuckles, trying to see the TV screen. "Open the door," she giggles, taking the controller out his hand.

Roman laughed as he got up from the couch and made his way to the door. He opened it to see Seth and Dean, with something behind his back. "I have Joelle so it better not be drugs or wine," he says. "Why would we bring anything for you?" Seth asks. "Fuck you then," Roman says.

Roman lets the guys in as they all walk in to see that Joelle took Roman's spot on the couch. "You told me to get the door so you can make me lose," Roman chuckles. "I'm better than you, daddy," she smiles. "So we don't get any hugs, JoJo?" Dean says getting her attention.

She gets up and gives Seth and Dean hugs. "Presents?" She asked. "You only love us for presents?" Dean chuckles, making Joelle nod. The guys laugh at her actions as Dean takes twenty dollars from his pocket. "Money," Joelle smiles reaching for it, but Dean pulls it away.

"Who's better, Uncle Seth or me?" Dean smirks. "I can't answer that," she smiles. "If you want the money, you know the answer," Dean continues to smirk. Seth snatches the money from Dean. "Good answer, JoJo," Seth says giving it to JoJo. "I like Uncle Seth more," Joelle teases before walking away. Dean looks at Seth. "Fuck you," he says making Roman laugh. "I have Sasha for that, asshole."

"What's going on in Casa de Reigns?" Dean says sitting down, putting a wine bottle on the coffee table. "I thought you said you didn't bring wine," Roman says. "I didn't say anything. He did," Dean answers. Roman chuckles sitting in a chair across the room from Seth and Dean. "Answer the question." "What question?" Roman asks. "What's going on in Casa de Reigns?"

"Nothing. Charlotte's moving in," he says. Seth chokes on his wine. "What?" Dean says. "What?" Roman asks. "Why is she moving? To Florida? To live with you?" Seth asks. "Joelle wants to do gymnastics and Charlotte volunteered," Roman shrugs.

"Why were you with each other?" Dean asked. "I asked her to come to Florida with me to help with Joelle and she said yes. Joelle wanted to do gymnastics and Charlotte said she was gonna get an apartment and, I don't know, it just blurted out," Roman says.

"You like her," Dean smirks. Roman scoffs. "You took her to breakfast, you brought her to Florida to see your daughter and you asked her, my bad, blurted out, the fact that she could move in," Dean says. "That doesn't mean anything. I was just being a friend."

"You or her?" Seth asks. "Her, who?" Roman asks. "Joelle. Is Charlotte moving in for you or her?" Seth asks. "Guys, you're taking this way out of proportion," Roman says taking a sip of his wine.

"Uh uh," Dean shakes his head. "You know you have feelings for her. You've always had. That's why you always have fights with her. Just to get her attention. Even when you were married and with Brie," Dean smirks leaning back in his chair. "You love her."

"No, no, no," Roman says. "I don't love her. I never will. It's just a friend and a friend living together to help a friend out," Roman says. Seth leans forward as he takes a coin out of his pocket.

"Heads, you love her and confront yourself about it. Tails, you don't and we'll drop the topic," he smirks. Roman rolls his eyes. "Fine."

Seth flips the coin and he and Seth look at it. They look at each other and look at Roman.


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HEYYY! So, it looks like Roman has feelings for Charlotte, but he's denying them. What do you guys want the next chapter to be about because I'm kind of stuck?

I also published a one-shot book called "One Kiss." Here's the cover:

I'm gonna change it soon because I don't like it, but it substitutional for a cover that I'm going to make, hopefully

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I'm gonna change it soon because I don't like it, but it substitutional for a cover that I'm going to make, hopefully. But yeah! It would mean a lot if you guys requested stuff.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Next one will be up soon!

Love you all!!


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