26 ; affection to its finest

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Charlotte woke up to small kisses on her neck. "Wake up, babe," she heard whispers. "Joe," she whined pulling the covers over her head, but he pulled them back down. "Ash, wake up," he whispers. "I'm bored," he says. "Well, go work out," she said pulling the covers over her again. "I want to sleep."

"I already did. It's almost ten," he says. "What?" She says looking at him. "Your ass has been in bed all morning," he chuckles. She groans and sits up. "I got to go out to breakfast with the girls," she says rubbing her eyes. "No," he whines tackling her back down to the bed. "Joe, every Wednesday, we go out for breakfast," she says closing her eyes. "Well, raincheck and stay in bed with me."

"Joe, I can't," she whispers. "Why not?" He whines. "Because it's every week. We can't raincheck," she rubs her eyes again before getting out of the bed. "Charlotte," Roman says. "Yeah," she says. "You're limping," he smirks. "I'm fine," she says limping to the bathroom.

After about thirty minutes in the bathroom, Charlotte came out with some regular clothes on. "You look hot," he smirks looking up from his phone. She blushes. "Thank you," she said. "I had to cover up all my hickeys with foundation," she says taking her phone off of the nightstand next to Roman. "Why?" He said. "Joe, I don't need people asking me questions and looking at me weirdly," she says looking down at her phone.

"I gotta go. They're waiting for me in the lobby," she says turning around. "What, I don't get a kiss?" He says. She smiles and walks to the door. "Damn, I must've pounded you hard," he laughs. "Joe," she blushes. He gets out of bed, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Did I hurt you?" He whispers in her ear. She smiles. "No, but it's like being drunk," she says. "Mmm," he smirks starting to make kisses on her neck. "Then let's keep drinking," he mumbles, sucking on her neck. Charlotte smiles. "Joe, I got to go," she whispers. "Raincheck."

"Baby, I have to go," she says. "I said raincheck," he says sucking harder. "Joe," she whines. Roman groans pulling away. "I'm getting more," he says. She turns around to face him. "When my pussy heals, we'll talk," she says putting her hands on his chest. "So I did hurt you," he smiles. She giggles. "A little."

His kisses her lips. "Have fun. Bring me some food," he says. She smiles back. "I will," she says. "I love you." "I love you too."

Charlotte walked out of the elevator to see all of her friends there. "Damn! What took you so long?" Alexa says. "Nothing," she lies. "I overslept a bit." "Are you limping?" Becky asks. "Kind of. That live event match last night caused it," she says. "Alright," Sasha says. "Can we go? I'm hungry."

An hour later, the girls were sitting in a booth, with about ten plates on the table.

"Ash, what's on your neck?" Alexa asks. "What?" Charlotte says. "You have some mark on your neck," Alexa says. "It's nothing," she says. "Ash, did you and?" Bayley smirks. "What?" Becky says. "She and Roman did something," Bayley smirks.

"Oh my god, Ash are you serious?" Alexa asks looking at her best friend. "Thanks, Pam," Charlotte smiles. "You were gonna say something anyway," Becky says. "You better start talking."

Charlotte sighs. "I covered all of my hickeys with makeup, but he kept telling me to raincheck and I guess he did this," Charlotte says. "Well?" Sasha says. "Well, what?" Charlotte asks. "Is he big?"

Charlotte throws a grape at her. "I mean, it's out there. You might as well just say it," Bayley smirks. "I was limping, so there's your answer," Charlotte says. They squeal. "Oh my god, I hate you guys," Charlotte says.

"We love you too, bitch."

653 words

Well, this chapter was cute and then it ended up being funny and shit! But, thank you for loving this book in a month! It's almost at 2K views, so I thank you!! I'm going to post the prologue soon, I just need to finish the playlist!

But thank you for the love and support!! See you in the next book!!

Love you all!!


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