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A week has past by and Charlotte had been a bit more distant from Bobby. She always had been, but more than usual. She couldn't trust him anymore. But she knew she couldn't break up with him first. She had to talk to her dad about it. She always been daddy's little girl. She didn't want to disappoint him.

"Saw the email Hunter sent?" Sasha askes as she sat on Charlotte's hotel bed. "No," she says opening a new tab on her computer. "What's it about?" She asks. "I think you should read it for yourself," she says.

Charlotte looks at her. "Is it that bad?" She asks, making Sasha laugh. "It depends on how you take it," she smiles. Charlotte gorans as she opens up her email.

A couple hundred of emails were unread yet, and saw the email that Hunter sent yesterday night, 11:29 PM. She clicked on it and began reading:


I'm sorry this email is being sent late at night, but it's pretty short. If most of you see this email before Friday, it'll be OK. I'm sure Kurt or Paige will discuss it with you.

As most of you know, WWE has many partnerships with many foundations, such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation and so many others. Stephanie and I couldn't be any more prouder to be behind them 100%.

To make sure that we are able to provide for the foundations, Stephanie and I thought that it was OK for us to cut down the amount of vehicles that are being used.

Now, this doesn't mean that all superstars are going to be riding in buses after each show is over. It means that you all will be riding with someone from your selective brand.

You're general manager will either send you a small email or text, explaining to you whoever you will be riding with.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me in anyway shape of form.

Triple H

"I might get you or Bayley. Might even stick me with Bobby," she sighs. Sasha shrugs. "Pam said she already found out who she's riding with," Sasha says. "Finn?" Charlotte chuckles. Sasha laughs. "Yeah. When she found out, she abused his face with kisses, that it even disgusted Seth and I," Sasha says, making Sasha laugh.

"You still gonna break up with Bobby?" Sasha asked her best friend. Charlotte sighed. "I don't know. But it makes my dad happy and I don't want him to be upset with me," Charlotte explains. "He can't get mad at you for being happy and doing what you want to do," Sasha smiles. Charlotte smiles back. "Thanks girl," she says.

Charlotte heard her phone beep and reached over to pick up. "Who is it?" Sasha asked looking down at her own computer. Charlotte looks at her phone. "Kurt. I think it's about the riding buddy."

She opens the messages. She reads through and looks up. "Who is it?" Charlotte sighs with anger. "Roman fucking Reigns."

500 words

So, this is now where the story begins. I mean, it already starts but here is where things start getting interesting. Things might seem to go really fast, so I'm sorry if you get confused.

Love you all!!


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