5 ; not my place

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Next thing Charlotte knew, she was in a hotel bed with Bobby's arm wrapped around her. She removed his arm as she sat up, seeing him stir a bit. "What time is it, Ash?" He groans. She picks up her phone and turns it on. "Almost seven. I better start getting ready," she says getting out of bed. "For what?" She hears. She huffed. "I told you. I'm going to work out with Becks," she says walking into the bathroom.

"C'mon, Ash. Just say in bed with me a little longer," he says. Charlotte rolled her eyes as she washed her face. "Why don't you ask Alexa or Dana?" She calls. She hears a groan. "Where'd you hear all that from?" She heard the voice getting closer. "Why are my friends telling me that you're flirting with them and other people?" Charlotte looks at Bobby.

"You believe your friends over me?" He chuckles. "I don't have to if I've seen it for myself," she says, starting to brush her teeth. "Fine. I can't control whatever you think of me," Bobby walks out of the bathroom. Charlotte rolls her eyes as she finishes. She puts her hair in a ponytail before changing into some gym clothes.

"You would really think I would cheat on you?" Bobby asked as she sat on the bed and put on her sneakers. "I don't know anything right now," she stands up, grabbing her phone off the nightstand. "I'll see you later," she kisses his cheek before walking out of the room.

She walks down the hall, texting Becky that she was on her way when she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw Roman.

"Looks like you can't get enough of me, princess," she teases. Roman rolls his eyes. "What'd you and Brie talk about yesterday?" He asked. Charlotte shrugged her shoulders. "Isn't it her place to tell you what we talked about?" She put her hands on her waist. Roman chuckles. "Alright," he raises his hands in surrender. "Whatever you want, princess," he says before walking away.

She turns around to face him walk away. "Stop staring princess," he says not turning around. "I'm taken, remember?" He laughs before turning the corner. She rolls her eyes before moving herself away from where she was, thinking of different ways to avoid Roman for the rest of her life.

394 words

5/10 chapters! Sorry if this was a really short chapter. Don't think I ever wrote a chapter underneath 500 words.

Love you all!


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