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"Make sure to be a tease. Don't give yourself away too much away yet," Bayley tells Charlotte as she parks the car at the hotel parking lot. "Why are you giving me sex advice? One, I'm not a virgin and two, we're not gonna have sex. I'm just gonna talk to him," Charlotte huffs unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Yeah, and talking leads to kissing, then kissing leads to sucking, then next thing you know, you're fucking. How'd you think Finn and I got through all the fights we've had?" Bayley says. Charlotte scrunches up her face. "I don't need to know anything about your sex life, Pam," she chuckles. "You kind of do if your sex life is boring as hell," Bayley mumbles.

"Are you done?" Charlotte asks. "Give me all the details," Bayley says. "I will. And I'll tell you how big he is," she teases. "That's a bonus. But nobody can be bigger than Finn," she happily sighs. "That's why they call him a demon." "OK, we're done," Charlotte says, clearly disgusted. She and Bayley get out the car to get their luggage out the trunk.

"Finn said that Joe's room is 505," Bayley says looking down at her phone. "Thanks. I'm gonna go put my stuff in my room and I'll go down there," Charlotte says as she and Bayley walk inside the hotel. "Wear lingerie," Bayley teases. "Stop it."

After leaving Bayley and her crazy sex theories, Charlotte finally made it to her hotel room. She put her suitcase down next to her door and made her way down the hall to Roman's room. Her nerves were starting to grow every time she passed a room. 510, 509, 508. Finally, after what felt like a thousand steps, she finally made it to his room.

She lifted her arm up, about to knock on the door, but the door opened and she saw Roman in front of him.

"Hi," she says. "I was gonna call you," he says. Charlotte sighs. "I'm gonna do something and I hope I don't embarrass myself," she says. Roman looks at her confused. Charlotte exhales before wrapping her arm around his neck, pressing her lips gently onto his.

He kissed her back, wrapping his arm around her waist. Charlotte pulled away. "Wow," he exhales. "Yeah," she smiles. "Wow." "I'm sorry, Ash. For everything. But I really do love you," he says. "I know. I kept forcing myself not to, but I love you too. But shut up and keep kissing me," she smiles. Roman smirks and places his lips back on hers.

Charlotte smiled into the kiss as Roman tighten his grip on her waist. "Let's take this inside," he smirked. She blushed and nodded as he took her hand and walked inside the hotel room with her.

He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her on to his lap. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, with him wrapping his arms around her waist. "Mmm, I love you," he hummed against her lips. "I love you too," she smiled before gently placing her lips on his.

They two were having a hot makeout session, feeling the sexual tension. "Pam was right," she whispered against his lips. "About what?" He asked. "This," she smiles. He cockily smiled. "You guys were talking about me?" He mumbled kissing her neck, trying to make hickeys.

"I wasn't hoping it was gonna go like this, but I like the way it's going," she says. "I'm always gonna make my girlfriend happy," he says having a firmer grip on her waist. "So we're boyfriend and girlfriend now?" She moves the hair from in front of her face. "That's what comes before husband and wife, right?" He smirks.

She smiles before going back to kissing him. Their tongues were fighting for dominance, but neither of them cared who won. They just wanted each other.

She began tugging on his shirt, but he ignored her request as he brushed his lips against her ear, making her moan softly when he started nibbling her ear, then slowly moving them to her neck, taking his sweet time teasing her.

When she was tired of his teasing, she pushed him onto the bed, starting to get control. As she crawled on top of him, she slid her hand underneath his shirt, feeling his abs and his pecks, making her smile and him smirk.

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