17 ; now or never

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"You really didn't need to take me out," Charlotte smiled as she and Roman sat in a booth. "But I want to. After everything that's happened," he smiles. "You're a really good friend," she smiles. "So we're friends now?" He smirks. She giggles. "I guess we are," she says.

"What's on the menu? Not working for the next three days has its credits," he chuckles looking at the menu. "Are you going to order a bunch of food or gonna stick with one thing on the menu," she asks.

"You know this 265-pound body needs a bunch of food," he says putting the menu down. "And you know I look damn good," he flexes making her giggle. "Everyone thinks that. I just have a different opinion," she teases. "Oh, so you don't think I'm hot?" Roman asks. She smiles. "I didn't say that." "So you do think I'm hot?" "I didn't say that either."

"Huh," he scoffs before smirking. "Girl Code," he says. "There's no girl code," she says. "What can I get you two?" The waiter says. "We'll finish this debate later," he winks before ordering for the both of them.

"Thanks for breakfast," Charlotte smiles as the two walk out the diner. "No problem," he smiles. He started to hear his phone ring in his pocket. "I'm sorry," he says taking his phone out. She smiles. "You're OK."

Roman looked down at his phone and sighed. "Hello... What? Is she OK... What, you can't do that. You're her mother and I'm her father... Fine. Then I'm coming down there," he says before hanging up the phone.

"Is it everything OK?" She asks. He sighs and shakes his head. "I need you to do me this huge favor," he asks. "Roman, is everything OK?" She asks. "No. But, please? Whatever I tell you, can you please do me a favor?" He asked. "Yeah, whatever you want."

"I need you to come to Florida with me," he asks. "What?" "You don't have to, but do you think you can?" He asks. "Yeah, of course, I can, but why?" She asks.

"Remember how I got into a divorce with my daughter's mother?" Roman says. "Yeah. Isn't she like 5?" Charlotte asks. He nods. "Yeah. But, Galina and I have been having some problems and now, I don't even know if she called me drunk, but she said that she wants to give Joelle up for adoption."

"What?" She yells. "Ashley," he whispers looking around, seeing is anyone was there. "That's her daughter. Why would she do that?" Charlotte asks. "I don't know. But I have to go," he says. "Yeah, of course. I'll go with you," she says. He smiles and gives her a hug. "Thank you, so much," he whispers in her ear. "You're welcome."

466 words

New chapter in less than 20 minutes! Wow, a new record! But yeah! This chapter was kind of sad, but it kind of sets of the story a bit more.

Next chapter is going to be when they go to Florida, and it'll be up soon.

Love you all!!


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