7 ; last pain, first ride

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"For the first time, I don't want to go to the hotel," Charlotte groans, laying on the couch. "Oh, come on, Ash. It can't be that bad," Bayley says.

Charlotte sits up. "You have your husband. I have my least favorite person. And the ride is two and a half hours. He's gonna kill me before I kill him first," she says. Bayley laughs.

"Do you want me to stay before you leave?" Bayley asks putting on her jacket. Charlotte shakes her head. "No, I'm gonna go meet Bobby before I leave," she stands up. "He's riding with Jinder and I want to say bye before I room with Sash," she says giving her a hug.

"Bye bestie," Bayley smiled as Charlotte walked away. "Bye, bestie," she smiles back. "I'll call you if I need someone to bail me," she says before leaving the room.

Charlotte walked down the hallway but stopped when she saw Bobby and Dana again. Her lips on his, them passionately making out. She felt her eyes becoming heavy as she turned around to walk in the other direction.

Tears ran down her face as she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw the last person she wanted to see. Roman Reigns.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. You're so damn lucky I can't leave you here," he lectured. Charlotte looked up and wiped the tears. "Can you cut me some slack? I'm not in the mood for your bullshit right now or ever," she walked away.

"Well, you're going to be dealing with it for a while," he says trailing behind her. She rolled her eyes as walked at a faster pace.

"Slow down. I'm the one who has the keys," he scoffs. "What's your problem?" Roman stops walking. She sighs and turns around. "Nothing. Can we just go? I don't want to be here anymore," she walks away.

"What's wrong?" Roman asked as he drove down the highway. "Would you stop asking me that?" She yells. "I don't give a fuck if you're upset right now. What the fuck is your problem?" Roman yelled back. "Since when do you give any fucks about me?" She asked. Roman kept quiet.

"Exactly. Just leave me alone and drive," she mumbles.

375 words

This is probably the shortest chapter I've ever written. So, it seems like Roman is starting to care about Charlotte. Or is he? Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Love you all!!


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