23 ; feel your feelings

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Charlotte walked away from Bobby, trying her best not to cry. Roman defended her from Bobby and now she can't get her emotions straight.

"Charlotte," she heard. She kept walking, ignoring who was calling her. "Charlotte, just please talk to me." Charlotte turned to face who was talking to her. Dana Brooke.

"What do you want? You stole my boyfriend from me. In fact, I didn't consider him as a boyfriend anymore after the first year. You can have him. Just leave me alone," she yells. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," Dana says walking up to her.

"No," Charlotte says. "Don't come anywhere near me. I thought of you as one of my closest friends and you do this to me?" She says. "I said leave me alone. I have somewhere to be," Charlotte said before walking away.

Charlotte walked through the arena looking for somebody to talk to. Somebody to pour out her heart and emotions to.

"Ash," she heard. Charlotte turned around and saw Becky Lynch. "Becks," Charlotte whispered, running up to her best friend. "What happened?" She whispered. "I need someone to talk to, and it can't be anyone from here. I just can't hear any of them saying 'I told you so'," she whimpered.

"Come on. Let's go to your locker room," Becky says taking her hand.

"What happened?" Becky asks. Charlotte sighs. "I think I'm in love with Roman," she says. "Wow," Becky whispered. "I didn't want to. I wish I didn't, but I can't," Charlotte says.

"Well, what happened?" Becky asks again. "He let me move in with him, he lets me act like I'm Joelle's mother, and he protects me out of the blue," Charlotte explains. "And I can't tell Mercy or Pam or Alexa about it because then they're gonna say that they were right," Charlotte says.

"We would never do that," the two heard. Charlotte and Becky turned their heads to see the rest of them leaning on the door. "We never wanted to make you feel like we were teasing you about it," Bayley says walking up to her.

"I don't know what to do. Bobby was being a jerk and Roman punched him in the face and now his fist is all bloody," Charlotte cries. "His fist is bloody because of me."

"Ash, don't feel bad," Alexa hugged her. "It's OK. You can't get mad at yourself for feeling the way that you feel." "I can't tell him. But now, it's going to so weird and tempting for me not to kiss him," she sighs.

She looks at the girls and slightly smiles. "I'm gonna let you guys say it," she says making them all laugh. "You don't know how badly I want to say it," Bayley smiles. "But I'm not going to. Because I love you," she says before hugging her.

"I love you guys more."

479 words

HEYY! So, I've finally decided that there is going to be two more chapters left of the book. I know, it's sad, but like I said, there's going to be two more books and they will most definitely have more than 25 chapters. I'm not sure when I'm going to publish that book, but I already have a title for it. Not spoiling it until I make the cover!

But yeah! Next chapter will be December 27th and what Charlotte and Roman do. It could be a longer chapter too. And who knows? Maybe things can get spicy!

Next chapter will be up either later today or tomorrow!

Love you all!!


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