16 ; confessions

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A couple weeks have passed and Roman and Charlotte have now become friends, making there many confused superstars in the backstage area, especially their friends.

"She doesn't kiss and tell guys," Bayley teases as Charlotte walks in the room. She rolls her eyes. 'We're not having sex. We've never kissed," she says handing Sasha her salad. "So you've imagined kissing him?" Alexa smirks. "No. I told you. I'm not dating anymore," Charlotte answers.

The four were talking when they heard a knock on the door. "Hmm, I wonder? Who could it be?" Sasha smirks looking at Charlotte. She laughs before getting up from her seat and opening the door, to see her dad and Bobby.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" She asked shocked. "Decided to come see what my baby girl is up too, and Bobby being a gentleman helping me out," Ric smiled patting Bobby's shoulder. Charlotte turned back inside to see her friends with confused looks.

"It's not Roman, and I'll be back," she whispers. Bayley lifts an eyebrow. "Please?" Charlotte pleads. "Go," Alexa shoos her. "Thank you," Charlotte mouths before walking closing the door.

"Who's there?" Ric asked. "Just the girls," she says. "How are you and Bobby doing?" Ric asked as they walked through the better. "Never been better, Mr. Flair," Bobby smirked, wrapping his arm around Charlotte's shoulders.

"Actually," Charlotte starts, moving Bobby's arm away. "Bobby and I are no longer together." Ric stops walking and looks at his daughter. "What are you talking about, baby girl?" He chuckles.

"I don't really see what's funny, dad. Bobby and I are no longer together," she repeats. "Ash, what are you doing?" Bobby asked. "You know what I'm talking about. Dana knows what I'm talking about," Charlotte says.

"Dana? Dana Brooke?" Ric asks. "Yes, Dana Brooke," Charlotte answers. "We've been broken up for almost two months." "So when were you going to tell me?" Ric says crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't know. You were going to act all pushy and use the disappoinment card on me," she says. "What are you talking about?" Ric asks.

"This," she says pointing at Bobby. "I never wanted to date him in the first place. It was just a small little crush that went away in about a month, but you pressured me into dating him," she says walking away. "Charlotte," Ric yells after his daughter.

"Hey, Charlotte," she hears. She sees Roman in front of her. She sighs. "What's your deal?" He asked. "Bobby and my dad. He lied to him and I yelled at my dad and walked away, so I needed to get away," she says.

"I'm sorry. I could go talk to them," he says. "No, no. I'm OK. I swear," she smiles. He smiles back. "Have you told anyone yet?" He asked. She frowns and shakes her head. "Ash, you need to. One thing about me is that I hate keeping secrets. Time's ticking," he says.

"I know, I know. I told you, I promise I will. Just not right now," she says. "Please, Joe? Just a little longer," she begs. He sighs. "I know. But you have to tell somebody. Or else I'm going to have to," he says. She nods. "Thank you."

542 words

This chapter was kind of cute. Next one is gonna be really fucked up. Don't worry, they don't have sex or anything, but let's just say it's kind of sad a bit. But, I might have it done by later today or tomorrow.

Love you all!!


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