11 ; stay out of it

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Charlotte didn't know if she wanted to tell Roman about Brie. She didn't want him to think that she was trying to ruin their relationship, but it's not like he was going to listen to her. She would just be wasting her breath.

To make things worse, she still had to ride with Roman. At least the ride was only for an hour, not as long as their usual rides. Car rides with Charlotte and Roman weren't awkward.

The two would be doing two things: minding their own business or arguing the entire time. The two were just glad that with their arguing, they haven't died... yet. One of them is waiting for the other to snap.

"I heard you and Bobby broke up," Roman said driving. Charlotte looks up from her phone. "Good for you," she says. Roman rolls his eyes. "You always do this," he says. "I didn't bring the topic up. So you always do this. You're the one who starts the fights," she says.

"You never want to have a normal conversation with anyone. Everything is always yelling and screaming with you," Roman says.

"I'm not yelling, but if you keep testing me, I will," she glares. Roman scoffs. "Please. Like I'm scared of you," he says. Charlotte rolls her eyes, not responding. She was just going to tell him, whether he listened or not.

"Have you heard from Brie today?" She asked calmly. "No, why do you care?"

Then something was definitely going on with Brie and Roman.

"I heard her over the phone, talking to someone. About how you never suspected a thing and how it's been three years," Charlotte explains. Roman kept quiet until he scoffed and shook his head.

"You just can't help yourself, can you?" He asked her. "What are you talking about? I'm not lying," Charlotte says. "First you talk to my girlfriend about me, then you and your cheating ass boyfriend break up, and now you think it's OK to ruin someone else's relationship?" He says.

"See, this is why I didn't want to tell you. You would say that I'm lying," Charlotte yells. "You can't let anyone ever be happy, can you? I did nothing to you and Bobby's relationship, and now you want to mess up mine?" He yells at her, when the finally get to the airport.

It was quiet for a bit before Roman parked the car and looked at Charlotte. His face was red, and he had a scary look in his eyes,as if he was ready to kill her.

"Mind your own fucking business and stay out if my relationship."

438 words

Heyyy!! Next chapter is going to show a completely different side of Roman. I'm not gonna say what happens, but you'll never expect the actions that he makes!!

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Next one will be up soon!!

Love you all!!


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