3 ; whenever we're ready

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"Someone looks happy," Sasha smiles as Charlotte walks into the locker room. Charlotte rolls her eyes, throwing her robe on her. "Brie came in here," Bayley says coming out the bathroom. "Said something about you and Roman."

Charlotte laughs. "Hope Bella isn't thinking that her Samoan Superman and I aren't doing anything together," she says opening her suitcase. "Well, she thinks you guys dated before and that's why you guys don't like each other," Sasha says. Charlotte scoffs. "If Roman and I dated each other, even in secret, I would be throwing so much more shade than I am," Charlotte says.

"Why don't you?" Bayley asked. Charlotte sighs as she takes some clothed out of her suitcase. "I know I tell you guys everything, but this is just one of those things that I'm not ready to tell anyone. I'm sorry," she says closing her suitcase. "I'm going to the showers. I'll be back," she says before walking out the room.

Roman walked around the arena, clearing his mind when he saw Bobby talking to Alexa Bliss. He stood behind a wall listening to their conversation.

"Bobby, I'm engaged. Don't you have a girlfriend?" Alexa says fixing the Women's Championship on her shoulder. "Oh, C'mon, Lexi. You know Buddy doesn't pay enough attention to you," Bobby says moving some of the hair out of her face. "The same way you don't pay enough attention to your girlfriend? I don't know why you're talking to me that way when you know Charlotte and I are friends," she says walking away.

"You know why I'm really with Charlotte, Alexa. I think everyone here knows," Bobby chuckles. Roman scrunches up his face. "Why, Bobby?" He thinks. "Hey man," Roman hears, making him jump. "Shit, Dean," he curses, slapping Dean's shoulder. "What are you doing?" Dean asks peeking over Roman's shoulder, but Roman pushes him back. "Nothing. I just needed to get away from Brie for a minute," Roman slightly lied.

"Ahh, trouble in paradise, I see," Dean teases as Roman scoffs. "No one can have a perfect relationship like you and Becky can, man," Roman says. Now Dean's the one to scoff. "I haven't talked to her since Thursday. Neither is Bayley, Sasha, or Charlotte. I don't know what I did wrong. She just lashed out at me on Thursday," he huffs as he and Roman walk in the opposite as Bobby and Alexa.

"You sure she's not on her period? That's Brie sometimes," Roman laughs. Dean joins him. "Trust me. If she was on her period, I would've known. She would've had mixed emotions," Dean smiled. "I just want to know why women are so complicated," Dean finishes. Roman chuckles. "You're telling me. Got into a fight with Brie about Charlotte," Roman rolls his eyes.

"Why do you hate her, man? I mean, you love her father. Why do you hate her?" Dean asked. "Can people stop asking me that?" He huffs. "If I wanted to tell people why I hated Charlotte, I would've been a New York Times best-selling author by now," he says making Dean chuckle. 

"Alright. Whenever you're ready to spill your feelings like what the ladies do, you know where to find Seth and me," Dean smiles as he pats his best friend's back before walking away.

549 words

3/10! Why do you think Bobby wants to be with Charlotte? Why do you think Roman stopped and listened to Bobby's conversation? Like Roman said, we all have questions that we don't have answers to. Gonna leave it at that😉

Love you all!!


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