2 ; don't defend her

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"I told you, I didn't need your help. How many times did I tell you to stay out of my way?" Charlotte yelled at Roman as they walked through the gorilla and getting close to the locker rooms. Roman chuckles. "Baby girl, you do need my help. You need me to help you," he says not turning around to face her.

"Why do you always have to finish the matches?" Charlotte asked. "Why do you always have questions?" Roman asked finally turning around to face her. Charlotte didn't say anything. "Exactly. We all have questions that we can't get answers to," he chuckles. "Good luck with the Bob, baby girl. Saw him flirting with Dana before our match. Have fun," he smirks.

"Don't call me that," she crosses her arms across her chest. Roman laughs. "Bye, Charlotte," he smirks before walking away.

Charlotte was still standing there with her thoughts until she felt someone wrap their arms around her waist. Then small kisses on her neck, making her smile. "I saw the match," she heard, making her sigh. "Saw how stressed you looked. Kinda sexy," Bobby smirked, making her giggle as she turned around.

"You enjoy me being stressed?" She says. He shrugs. "If it makes me happy, then sure," he said making her frown a bit. "I'm kidding," he says making her sigh in relief. "You have a match tonight?" Charlotte asked. He shook his head. "Have to do an interview with Charly about the Intercontinental title, then Corbin interferes," he explains, making Charlotte nod.

"Alright. I'm going back to the locker room. I'll see you later," she kisses his cheek. "Love you," she called. "Love you too," she heard.

Roman walked into his locker room to see his girlfriend, Brie Bella, watching what was going on back in the ring. He smiled as he kissed her cheek, getting her attention. "Hey, baby," he smiled getting a towel to wrap around his neck. "Hey. You doing, OK? Saw how stressed you were out there," she says. Roman waves it off. "You know me and Charlotte. Don't get along. Never have and never will."

Brie sat up. "Why though? You never told me," she asked. "Not important," he says taking his phone off the coffee table. She takes it out of his hand. "Brianna, come on," he whined. "We've been together for almost a year and a half and you haven't told me what's going on with you and Charlotte. Did you guys date or something? I promise I won't get mad," she says. "I said it's nothing. Can I have my phone back?" He asked.

"Did she do something, Leat'i?" "Why are you suddenly defending her?" Roman asks. "I'm not defending her. I just want to know why you're always mad when someone brings her up," Brie stands up. "What, you're gonna walk out on me?" He scoffed. "What's gotten into you?" Brie scolded at him.

"I don't know," he huffs standing up. "Why don't you ask Charlotte? I'm sure she'll tell you what's wrong with me," he throws the towel on the couch and takes his phone, walking out of the locker room.

525 words

HEY! So this chapter 2/10 that I'm publishing. So now you see the relationship that Roman and Charlotte have with Bobby and Brie. There's going to be a lot of things that happen in the next three chapters that I'll publish so get ready hoes!

Love you all!!


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