10 ; because of him

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Charlotte made it to the arena and she got stopped by Roman.

"What do you want?" She asked. "Look. I know you're having your little boyfriend problems, but I could care less. I just wanted to tell you that you're going to find someone else to ride with you tonight," he says. "I'm not going to the hotel tonight. Press conference shit for Summerslam," she explains.

Roman scoffs. "And just to think I would get away from you," he says. Charlotte rolls her eyes. "I guess I'll see you later tonight, princess," she shows him a fake smile before walking away.

She walked to the locker room, looking down at her phone, only to be bumped into Bobby. She rolls her eyes, but he grabbed her wrist. "We need to talk," he says. She scoffs. "No, we don't. I told you. We're over," she says. "You can't break up with me," he says. "Why not? I just did."

"Because I love you," he says. Charlotte laughs. "I know Dana and I have the same name, that doesn't mean we're the same person. There must be something that she has that I don't," she walks away.

"It's because of Roman, isn't it?" He calls, making Charlotte turn around. "This has nothing to do with Roman. This has to do with you and me not being together because you decided to cheat on me continuously," she says. "I said I was sorry," he says. "I guess you're under his wing now, I guess. I shouldn't have expected anything less from a Flair." Charlotte scoffs.

"Sorry doesn't fix the fact that I even thought that you were going to propose to me. Sorry doesn't fix the fact that you're a jackass and I don't understand what I ever saw in you," she glares before walking away.

Charlotte walked down the arena when she saw Brie on the phone. She smiled at her, her smiling back, continuing to walk when she heard the conversation she was having.

"No, he's leaving tomorrow, so I'll see you when I get home... No, he hasn't suspected a thing. It's been three years... He's just stressed out with Charlotte and all the press conference shit, and I'm kind of tired of it... I know I miss you too. How's our Birdie... Tell her I miss her and I'll see her tomorrow... I love you too," the conversation went to an end.

Charlotte shook her head, trying to get that conversation out of her head as she continued to walk to the locker room, hopefully not getting stopped by anyone, and luckily she made it. To see Alexa and Sasha.

"Oh, thank god, you're here," she sighs. "What's up?" Alexa says putting her hair in a ponytail. "So, after getting into a fight with Bobby," she started. "Wait, you got into a fight with Bobby?" Sasha asks. She shakes her head. "We'll talk about that later," she says sitting on the couch.

"So, after getting into a fight with Bobby, I saw Brie on the phone, talking to someone," she says. "Someone's nosey," Sasha laughs. "It was probably Roman who she was talking to," Alexa adds on. Charlotte shakes her head. "I don't think so. She was talking about how "he" hasn't suspected a thing and it's been three years and how he's stressed out he was with me and the press conferences he has to go to," she explains.

"You don't think she's cheating on him, do you?" Alexa asks. "Why would I care? It's none of my business," Charlotte shurgs. Sasha nods. "You may have heard something else. Just forget about it. You already have a lot on your plate, especially with the whole Bobby drama," she says making Charlotte sigh in agreement.

"I guess you're right."

630 words

HEYY!! Sorry, this chapter is up so late. I don't think I've been feeling well lately, so that's why I've been delaying some chapters for my books.

Next chapter is going to show a little bit more about Charlotte and Roman's relationship, seeing if it turns into a good or bad thing.

I also started the 'Wrestling Week 2018' train! I used my 4 favorite ships, including Charreigns and it would mean a lot if you checked it out if you haven't! Here's the cover:

I also started the 'Wrestling Week 2018' train! I used my 4 favorite ships, including Charreigns and it would mean a lot if you checked it out if you haven't! Here's the cover:

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But, yeah! Next chapter will be up hopefully soon!

Love you all!!


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