12 ; protection at its finest

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From taking a break from riding with each other due to all the press conferences, Charlotte and Roman were back to riding with each other. Roman hasn't even looked at Charlotte ever since she told him about Brie. Charlotte didn't even care if he didn't. It was one less thing to worry about: Roman caring about her.

"Dean wants to know why Becky's still mad at him," Roman finally said to her as he drove. "Because he's always flirting with fans at meet and greets," she says. "Wait, why am I telling you? It's not like you're going to believe me anyway," she rolls her eyes.

Roman ignored her last comment. "He's doing it as a joke. He has to be nice to the fans," he says. "You're gonna run out of gas," she says, changing the topic. He curses under his breath, having to drive a bit longer to the gas station.

After a couple minutes of silence, Roman finally made it to a gas station, with no one there. "I'm gonna get some snacks. You want anything?" Charlotte asks. He scoffs. "Since when do you care?" Charlotte huffs. "Last time I'm ever going to even try to be nice to you," she says before getting out the car with her wallet.

She walked into the gas station store, heading over to where the candy was. There were so many different options, that it put a smile on her face. A frown soon crawled on her face when she remembered Roman. She took her phone out of her pocket and went to his contact and called him.

"What?" She hears, making her roll her eyes. "I forgot you were still an asshole," she says. "Did you call me to call me names or what?" Roman says. "Did you want anything, cause I don't want to hear you complain for the next hour," she says. "Get me whatever. I don't care," he answers.

Charlotte looks up and sees the store owner staring at her. "Roman. There's a guy that's staring at me weirdly," she says. She hears him chuckle. "I'm guessing he wants a piece of Flair if you know what I mean," he laughs.

Charlotte rolls her eyes as she goes back to looking at what she was doing. "Not funny," she says. "If you're so scared, then get out and we'll go somewhere else," Roman says. "OK," Charlotte agreed as she looked up and noticed that the guy's gone. "He's gone," she says.

Next thing she knew, someone grabbed her, making her scream. His hand moved to the front of her jeans, trying to pull them down. "Get off of me," she screamed. "Stop," he gently said, almost getting her pants. "Roman," she screamed over and over again.

The owner dragged Charlotte over to the back, but before he could get her anywhere, Roman barged through the doors. "Get him off of me," she sobbed. Roman ran up to them and pushed him off, beating him down.

Charlotte could feel her body shaking, as she slid to the ground, watching Roman beat the guy up. He finally stopped, with the guy all bloody and bruised, then walked over to Charlotte, who was crying her eyes out.

"I can still feel him, Joe," she sobs. Roman hold her in his arms. "It's alright. I got you," he whispers. "C'mon. Let's go," he whispers, carrying her bridal style. "I got you. You're OK, I promise."

575 words

HEYYY!! Isn't Roman so kind for doing that? Would you ever have expected him to do that? To save Charlotte?

But yeah! I hope you guys liked this chapter. ALSOO, I stayed at my cousin's house last night and we left there at about 7 in the morning and guess what I saw? THE FUCKING WWE HEADQUARTERS!! AHHHH!! I was so happy that I screamed! I almost got slapped by my mom, but it was worth it, right?😂

But yeah! Next chapter will be up soon! Love you all!


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