20 ; just for her

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After a crazy week, Charlotte and Roman were back on the road. She still hadn't made up her mind if she wanted to move in with Roman. I mean, it was a huge step. They haven't even been friends for two months and he already wanted her to move in. But it was for Joelle. It's not like they were dating.

"And then he just asked me out," Alexa smiled as she, Charlotte, Bayley, and Sasha sat in her hotel room. "He couldn't have just asked you out, Lexi. He must've been watching you," Sasha smiles. "You acting like it's a bad thing. I mean, have you looked at me?" She smirks, flipping her hair. "I feel so bad for Sami," Bayley mumbles as everyone except Charlotte laughs.

"Ash," Sasha calls. Charlotte didn't respond, still thinking about her choice. "Ashley," Bayley yells hitting her with a pillow. "Ow. Bitch," she calls, making everyone laugh. "What's wrong with you? You haven't been yourself since we got back on the road," Alexa asks. "It's nothing," she says. "Is it Roman? How big is he?" Sasha teases, making everyone laugh.

"We're not having sex, but something did happen," Charlotte confirms. "Spill," Alexa says. "You kissed?" Bayley asks. "No. We didn't do anything that had to with our bodies being together," Charlotte says. "Yet," Bayley corrects. Charlotte glares at her. "What happened then?"

"Well, last week Thursday, Roman took me out for breakfast," Charlotte smiles. "I like this story already," Bayley smiles, making Charlotte blush a bit. "We just hung out for a bit and then we finished. We were leaving, then his ex-wife called him, saying that she wanted to give their daughter up for adoption," Charlotte explained. "What?" The girls yelled.

"I know. I had the same reaction. But he asked me to go to Florida with him so he could get full custody over her and everything," she explained. "He likes you," Alexa nudges her shoulder. "Is it bad that he asked me to move in with him?" Charlotte asked.

"What?" The girls scream again. "We were with Joelle getting ice cream and she wanted to start gymnastics and I volunteered to help her out and said that I'll find an apartment in Florida and come by sometimes, but he and Joelle said that I should just move in," Charlotte explains.

"Well, what are you gonna do?" Bayley asked. "I don't know. I can't just move into his house, especially with what happened with Joelle," Charlotte says. "He asked you to move in. It's not like he's doing it for just for Joelle," Sasha says. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Ash, are you blind?" Alexa asks her best friend.

"He likes you. He was the first person to tell you that Brie cheated on him. He took you out to breakfast out of the blue. He asked you to go to Florida to help save his daughter. He asked you to move in with him. Do we have to connect the dots for you?" Alexa says.

"It's all just a coincidence. That doesn't mean that he likes me," Charlotte says. "Well, do you like him?" "No. I don't like Roman," Charlotte says. "So you're gonna say no?" Bayley smirks. "I don't know. I thought you were gonna help me make a decision," Charlotte whined.

"I think you should say yes. If it's just for Joelle, then you shouldn't feel awkward," Sasha shrugs. Charlotte sighs. "I guess you're right."

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So it looks like Charlotte made her choice! How do you think living together is gonna go with Charlotte and Roman?

What do you want the next chapter to be about? I'm kind of stuck if I should make the next chapter be about Roman or I should continue it to be about Charlotte. Please help hoes!

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Next one will be up soon!

Love you all!!


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