8 ; now's the time

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Charlotte opened her hotel room to see Sasha putting her hair in a ponytail.

"There you are. I thought you got arrested or something," she chuckles, looking at her. Charlotte sighs as she puts her suitcase by the door and throws the keycard on the table next to her.

"I'm assuming the ride was bad," Sasha says. "No. Bobby's cheating on me," Charlotte says sitting on her bed. "I saw him kissing Dana before I left the arena with Roman," she explains.

"And I feel kinda bad because he kept asking me if I was OK, but I kept yelling at him," she says. "You feeling bad for Roman? He was asking if you're OK? What kind of ride did you have?" Sasha asks shocked.

"I think I'm going to be single for the rest of my life," she lays down on her bed. "That's not true, babe. I'm sure there's one guy out there who wants a piece Flair," Sasha smiles.

Charlotte sits up. "Why does every guy I'm with cheat on me?" She asks. "Because there are some guys, like Bobby, who just wants boobs and pussy. And there are other guys who want more than boobs pussy," Sasha smiles as Charlotte chuckles.

"Should I talk to him?" Charlotte asks. "You should text him," Sasha shrugs. "I can't break over a guy over text. That's so low," she says. "Cheating on you and flirting with other girls, especially with your friends is lower than low," Sasha says taking Charlotte's phone out of her pocket. "Text him. Now," she says.


I thought you were going wait for me before leaving with Roman.

I was.

Then why didn't you wait? Where'd you go?

I saw you.
With Dana.

Ash, it's not what it looked like. I swear.

Now I know when my friends are telling me about you, I know they aren't lying.

Ash, don't do this. What are you going to tell your dad?

I'll figure it out myself. But for now, I think you should be with Dana or the other women you've been seeing.
I'll be fine. On My own.

Bobby texted back, but she didn't bother looking at it. She deleted his number.

"Good job. Now, we have to go shopping to find you a new man, babe," she smiled, making Charlotte chuckle.

"I think I'm done with dating. For a while. Remember I went to him. I'm gonna wait for a guy to come to me," Charlotte says.

"Whatever you say, queen."

412 words

Now, Charlotte's single and maybe never ready to mingle. But who knows? Maybe there could be some trouble in paradise for Roman and Brie. But like I said, who knows?

Love you all!!


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