13 ; three months

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The whole ride, Charlotte tried to make herself forget what happened by going to sleep, but every time she closed her eyes, she could see the guy again and the feeling of his arms around her, making her jump.

"We're almost there, Ash," Roman kept saying before finally meaning it. He parked in the parking lot before getting out the car, helping her out of the car. "It hurts, right there," she whispers as Roman holds her by the waist. "You wanna walk on your own?" He asks softly. She nods, making him nod back as he goes to the trunk to get their luggage out.

He closes the trunk, putting one of his bags on his shoulders as Charlotte reaches over to get one of her bags.

"No. Put it down," he says. "I got it." "Roman, I'm fine. Please," she whispers. "No. Put it down. I got it," he says. She slightly smiles as she puts her bag down, making Roman take it.

The two walk with Roman holding all the bags as they walked to the front desk. "Looks like you've got your hands full. Such a gentleman," the man at the front desk says, with a name tag of Thomas.

"Oh, we're not together," the two stuttered looking at him. "Oh," he says, not making the situation any awkward.

"Uh, I'm sharing a room with Sasha," she says facing Roman. "Uh, yeah. Do you know what room?" He asks. "Uh, she texted me it was 403," she says facing Thomas. "Is it possible for me to get a keycard to the room?" She asked.

"I'll see what I can do," he winks at her. She looks at Roman who shrugs his shoulders. Thomas reaches over and gives a card to Charlotte. "Anything for you, sir?" He asked. Roman shakes his head. "I'm OK."

He reaches down and picks up a bag. "Let's get going," he says. She nods walking over to the elevator. Once it opens, the two walk in and she turns around and faces him.

"Listen. Can we just keep this between us?" She asks. "What, why? Someone needs to know. Especially your boss," he says. "Please Roman. I want to process everything. Let's just keep this between us. As two coworkers. Please," she begs.

"I'm giving you three months. Tops," he says. She sighs. "Three and a half," she asks. Roman huffs as he takes his phone out of his pocket to see the date. September 13th.

"December 27th, or else I'm telling," he says. She slightly smiles and nods. "Thank you," she smiles before the door opens. She walks out, with him following her to the room.

She opens the door with the keycard and sees Sasha watching TV. "Hey," she says confused seeing the two. "Please tell me none of you are drunk," she pleads sitting up. The two chuckle. "Uh, no. He was being kind and helping me out with the luggage," she says.

"I'm gonna go. I told Brie I was running late. I'll see you guys later," he says walking out the hotel room, closing the door.

"OK. You need to spill. Everything," Sasha says. "Nothing. My waist has been killing me, so he wanted to help. Nothing important," she says. "Are you sure you guys didn't go from classy in the streets to nasty in the sheets?" Sasha smirks, making Charlotte scoff. "Stop it," she pushed her shoulder.

"I'm gonna go take a shower and we'll watch shit," she says getting some clothes out of her bag. "Don't think about Roman's dick too much," she teases, making Charlotte playfully roll her eyes.

She walked to the bathroom and took off her shirt, seeing the very huge, noticeable purple bruise on it. She sighed, realizing that she had a limited amount of time to tell somebody. Romans's words.

640 words

So, it looks like Roman and Charlotte are starting to become friends. Friends with a secret to keep. Do you think Charlotte will keep her promise? How do you think they are going to handle everything going back to work?

But yeah, next chapter is going to have to do with Roman and Brie, and let's just say, some shit goes down!

I hope you guys liked this chapter. Next one will be up, hopefully at the end of this week. Brock Lesnar better not show his ass to RAW tonight or somebody is gonna end up like Kevin Owens.

Love you all!!


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