9 ; the story continues

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"How was your ride?" Brie asked Roman as he came from the bathroom. He shrugged. "Fine." Brie sighed. "You can't keep giving me the cold shoulder or the silent treatment. I said I was sorry."

"Would you just drop it? I'm not mad anymore," he says. "Yes, you are. I know you, Joe. You'll hold a grudge and act like you aren't and then you'll start a fight. Just tell me. I'll handle it," she says. Roman sighs as he turns around to face her.

"I said drop it! I'm not upset. Why do you keep bugging me about it? Just drop it," he yells. "Well, I'm sorry for trying to fix our relationship problem," she says walking away. He rolls his eyes and grabs her waist.

"Brie," he says. "No," she trying to remove herself from him. "You told me to drop it, so I'll drop it," she says. "I'm sorry, OK? I'm being a douchebag. Charlotte's been treating me like shit," he says. "What'd you two talk about?"

"Her and Bobby. I swear, it was nothing about us," she says. He sighs. "Alright. But I don't want to talk about Charlotte anymore. Please?" He asked. "But I can still talk to her right?" She asks. Roman scoffs.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I said that you can't talk to people that I don't like? That's bullshit," he says making her giggle. "I'm really sorry. About everything," she says.

"Stop it. If you talk about it again, I'll find a way to make you stop talking about it," he says squeezing her waist. She giggles again. "OK. I won't worry anymore," she says.

"How's Birdie?" He asks as he watches Brie put her hair in a ponytail in front of the bathroom. "Birdie's Birdie," she smiles making Roman chuckle. "I get her when we come back to Arizona," she says.

"Shit, I forgot to tell you that I can't go home Wednesday," he says. She turns around to look at him. "Why not?" "Press conference shit. I'll be home Saturday or Sunday," he says. "But I have to leave on Saturday. For the live event and I won't be home till Friday," she says.

"Then I'll see you on Monday," he says. "But I want to spend time with you and Birdie. I'll be by myself," she whines laying next to his bed. He holds her close. "I'm sorry. But you know I can't back out of this. Especially with SummerSlam coming up," he says.

She sighs. "Alright. But let's not worry about that. We'll spend all day tomorrow together before I leave," she smiles looking at him. He smiles back and kisses her lips.


450 words

9/10! I'm going to publish the next chapter tomorrow because I don't feel like publishing one right now. Hope you guys liked this one. Next one, I promise will be up tomorrow.

Love you all!


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