15 ; fireflies

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Roman walked down the hallway, not caring if Brie was calling after him, trying to find a way to get away from her.

"Roman, can you please just listen?" She calls at him. He stops walking and turns around to face her. "Listen to what, you lie to me? So every time you said I love you to me, were you just pretending I looked like 'Mr. Yes Movement', so that way it would be easier for you?" He asked. "Joe, it's not like that. I'm sorry," she says.  

He shakes his head. "No. No, you don't get to be sorry. I do. Stay the hell away from me," he says before walking away.

He walks down the stairs to the first floor, seeing no one there. He sees a couch on there and makes it useful. He sits down and sighs as he does so. Thinking about where he went wrong and how he didn't notice.

"I thought I got rid of you," he heard, making him look up at who was in front of him. Charlotte Flair. Roman leans back. "What are you doing here?" He asks. She shrugged. "Needed some air. Sasha wouldn't stop watching anime and I think I might have a ringing Japenese girl's voice stuck in my head for the next couple of days," she smiles making him laugh.

"What's wrong?" She asks sitting next to him. "You were right," he says looking at her. "About what?" "Brie." "Oh. I'm so sorry, Roman. I really didn't mean to do that," she explains. "No, you don't have to be sorry. I just didn't know how I didn't realize it," he says.

"Hey," she says putting her hand gently on his shoulder. "Don't bring yourself down about it. It took me a couple days to process everything with Bobby," she says. He sighs. "How'd you do it?" He asked. "Getting over Bobby?" She asked. He nods.

She exhales. "Well, a lot of tissues and ice cream for starters," she says making him chuckle. "And me wondering where I went wrong and how I didn't notice how he wasn't interested in me. Then finally, my friends helped me realize that I was better without him. If he was giving me this much pain and stress, then I really didn't need him."

"I really thought she loved me," he says. "How'd you find out?" "She told me she was pregnant and I necessarily didn't seem thrilled about it, but then spoiler alert, I'm not the dad," he sighs. She stands up. "Come on. I want to show you something," she says grabbing his wrist. "Woah. Is Charlotte Flair being nice to me?" He smirks. "It's the least I can do after what has happened today," she smiles taking him outside.

"Where are we going?" He asked as the two walked down the passageway of the hotel. "Last time we were at this hotel, Bayley and I took a walk because of her and Finn were having problems. We saw these beautiful fireflies and it made us forget about everything," she smiles. "I want you to see them."

Roman chuckles as he follows her over a small bridge and she stops, making him turn around to make him face what she was looking at.

"Wow," he exhales. "Still here," she smiles. "Why does this make me want to do some yoga?" He asks, making her laugh. "Have you ever heard of the song Fireflies by Owlcity?" Charlotte asks Roman, making him shake his head. "Well, my favorite part of the song is when he says: I'd like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly. It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep, cause everything is never as it seems."

"OK? What does that have to do with fireflies?" He asks making her laugh. "Sometimes, you want to make yourself believe that everything as a child was easier. Didn't have to worry about getting your heart broken or having to avoid someone every day."

"But, as life gets harder and harder, you realize that there's nothing else we can do but to accept the challenges as an adult and," she sighs. "Suck the shit up." She finishes, making Roman laugh. "Thanks. I really needed that," he smiles looking at her. "No problem. I told Sasha I was gonna get us some food, so I better head back," she smiles.

"But, I promise. Everything's gonna be OK," she puts her hand on his shoulder before walking away.

752 words

I really thought this was a cute chapter. I've been obsessed with this song recently and I don't know why. I also updated the playlist a bit by adding four new songs, just wanted to let you know.

So Charlotte and Roman are finally being nice to each other. How do you think this will play later in the book.

Next chapter will be up soon! Love you all!!


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