✧The New Derek✧

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Chapter 2- ✧The New Derek✧

I had just gotten off the phone with Scott. He was mumbling things about how there trip to save Derek from Mexico was a bit more hectic then they'd expected and that he was going to be home a lot later then he'd originally thought. After making him promise that he'd tell me what was going on as soon as he got back, we hung up the phone. It was a bit lonely in this house without Isaac, Scott, or Ms.McCall. Of course Scott's father was just downstairs fixing up the house a bit but I wasn't comfortable around him. I guess it still takes me a while to trust adults, besides Mrs.McCall who has basically taken up the job of being my mother. Even when Isaac and I had lived with Derek for a while I wouldn't really leave my room. I was just too scared of the world outside those walls.

After I had been reading for about an hour, I realized how hungry I was. Remembering that I had made mac-n-cheese the other night and still had some leftovers in the fridge, I silently made my way downstairs. Since Scott wasn't home to eat it there was still plenty  left so I quickly put some in the microwave and pressed start. I stood there for awhile, tapping my fingers on  the counter as my food was reheated, until somebody cleared there throat somewhere behind me, causing me to jump and probably look like an idiot.

"Uh, sorry," Scott's dad said nervously, scratching the back of his neck as he probably felt bad for scaring me. He was just as uneasy around me as I was around him. I'd imagine it's because Mrs.McCall had told him of my past and how I was still a frightened little girl prone to anxiety attacks that I'm sure he was scared he would trigger. "Have you heard from Scott? I was planning on having dinner with him but it seems like that might not be happening."

"Oh, um, he said something about being a bit later then he'd thought," I explained in a quiet voice, never quite meeting the eyes of the FBI agent.

Mr.McCall nodded. "Okay, thanks."

He quickly exited the room and just as I felt myself relax again. And then the timer on the microwave went off which caused me to once again jump. I hate leaving my room, even if the reward involves food.

I sighed, hating myself for being stupid enough to be terrified of everything. I quickly nabbed my meal, found a spoon, and then rushed back into my room were I felt at least a little bit safe. Finally content with where I was, I sat down at my desk and began to draw. It was a talent I guess I had. Now I'm not amazing and I can't paint or anything like that but drawing has always helped calm me down. Dad had always called it a useless talent.

Eventually, I got too tired to even hold up a pencil anymore so I decided not to even bother to wait up for Scott and too just go to bed.


By the time I woke up to go to school, Scott was home. Since he heard me coming down the stairs he even got me a bowl a cereal which I made sure to thank him for.

"So you want to know what's going on?" He asked as we both sat down to eat our breakfast. I looked around to make sure nobody was in the kitchen before nodding my head.

Scott immediately launched into this long, complicated explanation as to what happened to him and the others. First of all, the one's they thought had taken Derek were actually looking for him too. The person who had actually taken him was someone none of us had expected. Kate Argent. Now Kate happened before Isaac and I got involved in all of this but we'd heard plenty of stories of her.

"So, basically the Mexican version of the Argent's electrocuted you until you realized Kate Argent is actually alive, and then sent you out on an almost death mission in which you found Derek buried in a tomb with no signs of Kate? Nobody got maimed or killed? Seems like you and Stiles are loosing your touch," I said with a small smile. Scott smiled back at me but he looked a little surprised, it wasn't everyday I made an attempt at joking. But like I said, Scott is becoming like a brother to me and, from my experience, brothers are the one's you can trust up until the day they leave.

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