✧Weight Room Mayhem✧

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Chapter 30 Weight Room Mayhem

"Charlotte!" I heard as soon as I began putting my locker combination in. I looked up wearily, not entirely sure why someone in the school would sound so eager to talk to me. But then I saw Malia rushing towards me with a paper in her hands, "Look! I got a C minus on my test! I passed!"

"Good job, Malia," I congratulated her softly, shooting the werecoyote a benevolent smile before turning back to my locker, "I guess Lydia's notes do work then."

Malia bobbed her head enthusiastically, "Their amazing when their not written in code. I can't wait to show her this."

My smile widened as I watched the jovial look on Malia's face brightened as she went off to find the strawberry blonde. She was definitely adapting to the life of a teenager pretty well, probably better than I have. And the fact that the deadpool was eliminated definitely helped ease the tension in our lives.

It was actually kind of weird not having to worry about assassins. Things were back to normal, or as normal as they can be in this town. Stiles was happy with Malia, Lydia was adapting to everything she has learned about herself, Derek was actually still alive, and Scott was planning on finally taking Kira on a date.

The only one whose life wasn't getting back on track was Liam's but I was going to help him. He was scared, I knew that much, and I finally had the time to devote myself to showing him that he didn't have to be scared to death of the supernatural anymore. Things just might be okay for all of us.

"Yo, Lahey!"

It was now Mason's turn to run up to my locker, though he looked a tad less enthusiastic than Malia had. Nonetheless, my friend smiled at me and I actually smiled back. For the first time in a really long time a produced a full-hearted and sincere smile without any prompting other than casual seeing a friend. It felt good and I could get used to it.

"Hey Mase," I greeted, still smiling and feeling a little proud of myself for doing so.

"So Liam and I were going to the weight room to lift weights and stuff, obviously, and since it's your free period I was wondering if you'd want to tag along," Mason offered.

"I don't lift weights," I told him, sounding a little bit more blunt than I had meant to.

Mason chuckled, rolling his eyes a little before saying, "Alright well you can still come along and talk to us. The other night was really fun when it was the three of us and, anyways, Liam seems like he needs some friends right now."

I sighed, nodding along to the last bit of Mason's statement, "That is definitely true."

"So you'll come then?" Mason inquired with a hopeful smile.

I nodded, "I don't really have anything better to do."

I walked along with Mason to the weight room, smiling to myself as I realized I really didn't have anything to do. I didn't have to worry about my friends dying anymore and that thought alone was incredibly comforting. Not only did our situation get better but I was getting better too and almost nothing could ruin that. Hopefully.

Once Mason and I walked into the weight room, Mason dropped his bags and walked over to Liam who was already putting weights on the bench press. I put my book bag down too, slipping my new sketchpad out of it before making my way over to my only two freshman friends.

"That's a lot of weight," Mason noted as Liam got ready to start his work out. I looked over to see what Liam planning on lifting truly was a lot of weight, even for a werewolf.

"I need to get ready for the game tomorrow," Liam told us.

"Need a spot?"

"No. Do you?"

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