✧Intermittent Explosive Disorder✧

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Dedication goes to CJBachert for reading this story and supporting me with. I teased you about this chapter last night so here it finally is. I love ya Cera!

Chapter 10- Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Everything seemed to go well with Liam until the end of the day finally came around. All the work Liam put into staying calm seemed to go down the drain when Mason told him the Devenford Prep had arrived. That caused Liam to storm off to go find them and Mason and I to worriedly rush after him.

"So wait a minute," Mason said to me as we trailed after an angry Liam, "Since when do the two of you talk? I never see you talk to anyone except for those older lacrosse guys."

"W-we just kind, um, of met in the hallway a couple days ago," I explained since that was the truth, for the most part. Things were a lot more complicated than that, of course, but Mason didn't really need to know that.

I could tell by the smirk on Mason's face that he had something else to say but he never got the chance to as Liam burst out of the school's entrance. Mason and I exchanged a worried look before picking up our pace to be able to keep up with Liam. Once we got outside we saw exactly what Liam was heading to, the bus that was unloading the other team, Devenford Prep.

"Liam, wait! No, no, no, Liam!" Mason called after our friend. Thank god I had Mason because I was not steady enough to be able to shout after anyone, even Liam.

Liam ignored us as he continued his approach to the unloading lacrosse players. "Brett!"

The guy, Brett, Liam had called out stopped where he was and allowed Liam to approach him and the rest of his team. I cringed seeing as Brett was much taller than Liam and didn't exactly look like the friendly type. This couldn't end well. I quickly looked around; mentally pleading that Scott would show up soon.

"Oh, here we go," Mason muttered under his breath so only I could here. He looked almost as nervous as I did which was not an easy state to achieve.

Mason and I stood behind Liam as we let him talk to his old team. It might be a terrible idea for him to do so but he had his heart set on it and there was little else that we could do.

"I just wanted to say," Liam started to say, the anger still hadn't seemed to have left him. "Have a good game."

Liam's last four words stunned me beyond explanation as he held out a hand to Brett. Had Liam seriously just told his old team to have a good game? He wasn't mauling them or anything? Maybe he really can go on the field tonight without hurting anybody.

But then Brett laughed in Liam's face instead of accepting his hand. I almost cringed as he did as I felt second-hand embarrassment for poor Liam.

"That's cute Liam," Brett said as he looked around at his equally amused teammates and then back at a not-at-all-amused Liam. "Is that what they told you to say in anger management? Apologize and everything's fine? You demolished coaches' car."

I looked over at Liam in confusion. I knew that he had gotten kicked out of his previous school due to the fact that his anger issues got the best of him and he had smashed a teacher's car but I didn't know it was his coaches.

"I paid for it," Liam said through gritted teeth. So much for him staying calm and collected.

"Yeah, you're going to pay for it," Brett assured Liam, the amusement wiped off his face into a serious look. "We're going to break you in half out there and it's going to be all you fault."

I quickly stepped up next to Liam and tugged on his shirt sleeve before saying, "C'mon, Liam."

When Liam didn't budge Brett took that as an opportunity to taunt him further. "Wow, Liam, you've got yourself a girlfriend now? Is she too scared of you to run away?"

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