✧Emotions Besides Fear✧

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Chapter 21 ✧Emotions Besides Fear✧

Somehow I managed to make it to the top of the dark staircase without falling or chickening out. Once I was there I found myself holding my breath as I burst through the doors, worried about how bad the scene behind them could be. The answer was very bad.

I'd never really seen one but the descriptions I had gotten from the others told me that the creature in front of me was a fearsome Berserker. Luckily, its attention was not on me. Unluckily, it was on Kira and Liam. Liam had his eyes glowing a fierce golden color while he struggled to get up with his feet. Kira was in worse condition, though. She was currently lying on the roof unconscious as the Berserker headed straight for her.

Nothing good ever happens on this roof.

Unsurprisingly, I felt fear course through my veins but something was different then how I usual felt in situations like this. Instead of being frozen in my place by my paralyzing fears, it was more like they were fueling me. And as this fuel flooded through me I picked up a chunk of cement and through it as hard as I could.

I watched as it sailed through the air, surely about to collide with the Berserkers head-like-thingy, and all I could think were to simple words. Oh shit.

Just as the cement knocked the creature upside its head, I realized my mistake and I found myself cringing as if I were the one who’d just been hit. Why couldn’t I have come with a better plan that didn’t end in the Berserker turning to me as I stood completely defenseless, which is what’s happening right now. My ideas are starting to get as bad as Scott and Stiles’.

The Berserker began heading towards me but then stopped abruptly. I took this as an opportunity to stumble away from the towering creature which wasn’t exactly a great idea either seeing as that just brought me closer to the edge of the roof.

But instead of having my brain matter scattered across the top of Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital like I had expected to happen, the Berserker seemed to go rigid all of a sudden. As that happened I saw Liam get up from behind the berserker and scurry over to Kira before looking over to me with wide eyes and shouting for me to run. I stood my ground though, refusing to leave my two friends behind. The Berserker didn’t even seem interested in me anymore, though. Instead, it took enormous steps to the roof exit and left us alone to bask in our complete and utter confusion as to how we had managed to luck out on that one.

I was so caught up in trying to figure out why it would just leave us alone that I didn’t realize Liam had rushed over to me until he had grabbed my shoulders, causing me to look at him.

“Are you okay?” Liam asked hurriedly with worry pooling into his crystal-like eyes.

Even though I had about a million things rushing through my head, I managed to nod, “I-I think so. But you’re not.”

“I’ll heal,” Liam assured me and the gash on his head seemed to do just that as I watched. Supernatural healing abilities must really be great to have in a time like this.

Without warning Liam pulled me into a tight hug, his arms just seeming to naturally wrap themselves around my shoulders. I felt him grimace in pain as he did so but that didn’t seem to bother the beta. But just as suddenly as he pulled me into the hug, Liam pushed me away so he could once again look me in the eyes.

“Do you realize how incredibly stupid that was?”

“Do you realize that I’m done seeing people I care about get hurt?” I asked back. It wasn’t really a harsh response but a pained one as I flashed back to all the blows my brothers and my friends have took for me.

Scared to Death ✧Liam Dunbar✧[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now