✧Caught Up✧

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Chapter 16 Caught Up

I should be thinking about the dead pool, about how literally everyone seems to be on it. Or maybe how Malia's name was Hale not Tate, meaning she'd be figuring out the truth soon enough. I should even be thinking about how Meredith Walker killed herself last night after Stiles and the others talked to her last night. But I couldn't. It didn't seem mentally possible to focus on all those things right now.

All I could think about was Liam. Last night had been on loop in my head all morning and every single time I began to hate myself more and more. If only I was someone else, someone who isn't so anxious and hopeless. Liam deserves someone better.

That was all that my mind seemed to be able to focus on. Nothing else besides the fact that I wasn't good enough for Liam could stay in my head for more than three seconds. And the worst part was the fact that he didn't even know why I had pulled away. I still hadn't even had the guts to tell him about my dad or really anything about my past in general even though he had pretty much earned the right to know after how much he'd opened up to me. I was basically a selfish coward with intense anxiety issues.

Wait, scratch that. I'm a selfish coward with intense anxiety issues who jumps to conclusions. I mean I don't even actually know it Liam likes me or not. I mean last night he had to have either been trying to kiss me or head butt me but neither of those meant he definitely had a crush on me. He could've just been trying to kiss me because he somehow knew my feelings towards him and he was doing it out of pity. Or he could've just been caught up in the moment of us being alone and by the fact that I had taken off his shirt. Or it could've been an effect from the wolf's bane that was left in his system or something. There were just a million possibilities.

Suddenly, someone knocked on my door which snapped me out of the full-fledged I would've most definitely launched myself into.

"Char, can I come in."

I turned over in my bed so that I was facing the door. "Yeah, you can come in Scott."

Soon the door creaked open and Scott walked into my room. He looked around before seeing me in bed and frowning. "Why are you still lying in bed? We have the tests today!"

"The PSAT's?" I questioned which caused him to nod, "I'm not taking them this year."

"Why not? Lydia took them freshman year." I was reminded for the umpteenth time.

"Yeah and Lydia is basically a ginger Albert Einstein."

"Don't you ever let her hear you call her ginger," Scott warned jokingly. When I didn't laugh Scott frowned and came to sit down next to me on my bed. "Okay, what's going on with you? I thought you wanted to take the PSAT's."

I rolled onto my back so I could stare up at the white ceiling. "My dad was the one who was pressuring me to take them. I never wanted to."

Scott was quite for a moment as he looked down at me, probably waiting for me to cry or something. I probably should've had some kind of reaction but I just felt too numb to do anything. Finally, Scott shifted on my bed so he was sitting cross legged and facing me.

"You don't have to take them if you don't want to," Scott said gently, "Just know that if you were to take them I think you'd probably do better than me."

"Thanks Scott," I moved my eyes from looking at the ceiling to looking over at Scott who gave me a quick smile before hoping off the bed.

"Now don't you go and get into any trouble today," Scott lectured me with a small grin dancing along his lips, "Malia, Stiles, Kira and I will be taking the test while Lydia is up at her lake house trying to do something Banshee-like. And I think Derek is at the hospital with Braeden so you'll have nobody that'll be able to come rescue you."

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