✧Not a Monster✧

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Dedication goes to Unknownfangirl17. Here's your update haha

Chapter 8- ✧Not a Monster✧

I was more then eager to get out of Lydia's over crowded lake house. I never ever want to have to experience another party again. Never.

 So instead of having to fight against my social anxiety, I ran through the woods. I don't exactly know what I was planning on doing but I knew I had to help Scott and Liam. Of course there was the chance that I would find Liam who was going out of control due to the full moon so he'd try to kill me but I was really hoping that wasn't going to be the outcome. Maybe I'll be able to talk Liam down or something, help him find an anchor. Or maybe I'll just be able to distract him long enough for Scott to find us. Seeing as Scott was the alpha he'd have a way better chance at taming Liam.

Eventually I saw a flash of lights through the branches of some tree's ahead of me. There's practically nothing else this deep in the woods so it had to be Scott or Liam --Or both. How they had manged to make a strange burst of lights I had no idea but it was currently my only lead. I quickly swallowed down the fear I had and pushed myself to keep running through the eerie woods.

I finally made it to where I had thought I'd seen the lights come from but there was nobody in sight. Leave it to me to screw up finding bright lights in the dark. May my uselessness always prevail.

Suddenly, I heard leaves crackling somewhere nearby. I strained my eyes only to see the outline of a masculine figure wielding a cross bow.

Chris Argent.

"Charlotte?" The familiar voice of Allison's father echoed through the darkness. He stepped closer so I could really see him which confirmed that it was definitely the one and only Chris Argent. He had a graying beard which made him resemble a mountain man, this was a new look for him. But behind the facial hair was his piercing blue eyes that held an intensity every hunter's eyes should have.

"Mr.Argent," I breathed out, relived to see someone who I wasn't afraid of. Don't get me wrong, Chris Argent was very deadly and very scary, but with everything else going on I trusted him more then feared him.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked me as he, thankfully, lowered his cross bow.

"Trying to find Liam," I told him, managing to talk in a voice that was actually audible before adding, "What are you doing here? I Isaac back too?"

He solemnly shook his head at my last question. "Isaac's still back in Europe but don't worry, he's fine. I came back because Scott asked for me help."

"You actually got his texts?" I questioned, managing to talk in a voice that was actually audible. Why Scott had text Argent instead of calling him, I''ll never know. Suddenly, I remembered the bright lights and remembered one of the many weapons hunter's would use against werewolves were like flash grenades. "Did you just fire one of those arrows that temporarily blind wolves?"

Chris quirked an eyebrow at me, probably because he was surprised I was willingly contributing to the conversation. "Yeah, I came across your Liam friend attacking Scott."

I cringed at his words, looks like Scott isn't having as much luck as I had hoped. The idea of a blood thirsty Liam attacking one of my only friends was enough to power through my paralyzing fear that always collected around me. I needed to find them; I needed to help them.

"Where are they now?" I asked the Hunter.

"I can probably show you," Chris answered as he turned around to start walking. I took this as a signal to follow him so I forced my much shorter legs to fall into place behind his.

Scared to Death ✧Liam Dunbar✧[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now