✧A Little Optimisim✧

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A dedication goes out to KaylaLoves93 for being the first one to realize tht Liam and Charlotte's "hey, hi" thing is like their always.

Chapter 19 ✧A Little Optimisim✧

I stood in the hospital hallway in silence. Everyone migrated around me, completely oblivious to my existence which was something I had grown accustomed to. But even if someone had by some miracle stopped to talk to me, I wouldn’t have been able to talk back and not just because of my paralyzing anxiety. I was frozen in place by the display a wailing Mrs.McCall was putting on. If I hadn’t known of the plan I would’ve been convinced that Scott McCall was actually dead. Of course in a way he was dead but he was an alpha which means he can come back. At least, that’s what’s supposed to happen if the plan works.

Let’s just say there are about one-hundred seventeen million holes in this plan.

Eventually, things seemed to calm down. A man— who I recognized to be the doctor who had tended to Liam’s injured ankle—helped Melissa get back up on her feet. Still sobbing slightly, she made her way over to me with the dark-skinned man still following her, almost like he was waiting for her to have yet another emotional break. Seeing as she had just been delivered the news of her only sons’ death, I’d say those were some pretty necessary precautions.

I gulped down some air as they got closer and quickly brushed away some tears. With Derek’s jacket gripped slightly in my weak little hands, I mentally prepared myself for social interaction with a weeping woman and a semi-stranger.

“I-I’m guessing you’ve heard?” The mother-figure in my life questioned. I respond with a silent nod as I looked down at the ground and sniffled. God do I hate this plan.

“Wait a second, you look familiar,” Melissa’s doctor friend realized as he looked at me. I cowered a bit under his gaze, not overly fond of being noticed. Suddenly, his dark eyes brightened up some. “You were here with Liam the other day!”

“Y-yes sir, I-I was,” I murmured as I huddled closer to Mama McCall who had just put her arm over my shoulder.

“I’m his step-father,” The man explained, which, I’ll admit, caught me off guard. I knew Liam had a step-dad but I had yet to actually meet him. Then I noticed the name tag on the Doctor’s lab coat read ‘Dunbar’ which should’ve been a dead giveaway.

Look at me, too much of a pathetic mess to be able to read a name tag.

“Well,” Liam’s step-father said which caused me to look up at him, “I’m very sorry for your loss. Melissa, the body is downstairs if you want to see it.”

Melissa let out another sob at the word ‘body’ but nodded her head nonetheless. “Thank you.”

With a small nod and a gentle smile, Doctor Dunbar was off to do his doctorly duties to the hospital. Melissa and I just could find the strength to speak so, instead, we walked to the nearest elevator in silence.

“That was pretty convincing,” I said in a low voice once the elevator doors dinged to signal we were at our destination.

“Well, knowing what I do it wasn’t hard to think of my son as being dead. I’ve had plenty of scares like that,” She answered as she wiped away the last of her tears. Knowing how she felt, I nodded in response as we walked into the morgue.

The first thing I noticed was Scott laying on a metal slab with only the top half of his body being visible as the rest was covered by a thin fabric. I chocked back a sob as his mother and I approached him. With his chest unmoving and his skin almost as pale as Stiles’, the true alpha looked very, very, dead.

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