✧Almost Is Never Enough✧

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Chapter 34 Almost Is Never Enough

Just as quickly as they had turned golden, Liam's eyes flashed back to their usual sea colored hue. But the rest of Liam was not back to normal.

My fingers curled around the chain barrier that separated Braeden and I from the others. I swallowed hard as I watched Liam's face began to contort in pain, just like I had seen Erica, Boyd, and Isaac's do countless of times. He was obviously trying to keep control of the wolf within but, by the looks of it, he wasn't to far from breaking.

"Liam, are you with me," Derek called out to the struggling werewolf across from him. "We have a mantra that we use. You repeat it and focus on the words, it's like meditating. You say the words until you feel control coming back to you."

"Okay," Liam groaned out, clenching his fists as he doubled over in pain. "Okay, okay. What are the words?"

"Okay, look at the triskelion, see the symbol?" Derek asked calmly. I followed his gaze to the talisman and couldn't help but wonder why he'd never tried teaching Isaac and the other's control by using that. "I have it tattooed on my back, it's the same thing. Each spiral means something."

"Alpha, Beta, Omega," Stiles murmured, catching on to what Derek was getting it.

"It represents the idea that we can rise to one and fall back to the other," Derek explained. "Betas can become alphas."

"Alphas can become betas," I continued, remembering what Derek had done to save his sister, Cora.

"Can alphas become omegas?" Liam managed to question through his pain.

Derek nodded slowly. "All you have to do is say the three words and with each one you tell yourself you're getting calmer, more in control. Go ahead."

"Alpha, Beta-"

"Slower," Derek cut in sharply.

"Alpha. Beta. Omega," Liam said again, this time more slowly to let each word sink in. "Alpha. Beta. Omega."

"Good say it again," Derek encouraged the beta, "Remember, everytime you say the words you're getting calmer."

"Alpha, Beta, Omega," Liam began to say again but he most definitely was not getting calmer. His voice was become a deepening growl, his claws glinting in the moonlight.

"Say it again," Derek ordered.

"Derek, I don't think that powerful talisman of self control is working," Stiles pointed out as he pulled his legs against his chest in an attempt to move away from Liam.

Stiles was right, Liam stopped chanting the mantra and instead just let out a hateful growl as he made a lunge at my two friends. Luckily, his restraints kept him at bay but I was sure they wouldn't be too much help for too much longer.

"Liam, say it again!" Derek repeated loudly. "Liam."

Now, as Liam began forcefully struggling so much that the van began to sway, I pulled back the barrier between us.

"Charlotte, sit back down," Derek shouted to me.

"Let me back, Derek," I begged Derek, causing the him to look away from Liam and to me. "Please, Der."

Even though Derek wasn't a werewolf, he still managed to make a fairly good exasperated growl before moving over to give me room. I nodded to him thankfully before squeezing between the small gap to get into the back.

"What the- No! Charlotte you're going to get hurt! Go back!" Stiles tried to yell at me but I shook my head.

"Stiles, I'm helping," I told him sharply. "I don't believe that he'd hurt me-"

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