✧The Call✧

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Chapter 13- ✧The Call✧

When I woke up the next morning my brain felt refreshed. I had slept well, there had been no nightmares, Liam wasn’t mad at me, and, if Scott was right, Violet had been arrested. Also, the authorities are on the lookout for Garrett which means he’s sure to get caught soon too. Maybe he and Violet can get a his and hers jail cell.

I rolled over in bed to flick the light on only to see that it didn’t seem to be working. It’s probably about time for the light bulb to be changed. I sighed before heaving myself out of bed and putting on my clothes for the day. It didn’t take long for me to finish getting ready and I was putting on the finishing touches –which meant I was pulling on a beige cardigan—as I made my way down stairs to tell Melissa about the light in my room. I had just made it down the stairs when I heard her talking to someone.

“Okay, I understand. Um, but if you could just turn the power back on, even for a few hours, that would be really great. I have a refrigerator full of food that’s going to go bad and obviously I don’t have the money to run out and replace three-hundred dollars’ worth of groceries.” She said and it became clear to me that she was talking on the phone with the electric company. Apparently my light bulb didn’t need to be changed; it was just that the power was out. “I am, uh, more than happy to beg.”

I peeked around the corner at Scott’s mom to see her looking more stressed than ever. Then I pulled my head back and leaned against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. I had known that the McCall’s were having money problems but I didn’t know they were getting so bad. And my presence here definitely wasn’t helping them with their debt.

Once Mama McCall hung up the phone, I finally turned the corner and walked into the kitchen. I was quickly given a small smile and weary, “Good morning, Charlotte.”

“Morning,” I greeted her shyly, not wanting to make her any more stressed out then she already was.

“So I’m guessing you’ve noticed the power is out,” Melissa said and I responded with a nod. “I’m sorry about that. You’re probably regretting moving in with us.”

With wide eyes, I turned to Melissa. “I don’t regret this. I’m really thankful that you took Isaac and I in because… well because we finally got to have a mom. I wouldn’t trade this for anything.”

“Oh, honey,” Melissa swooned, her voice even cracking slightly as she closed the distance between us to wrap me in a big hug. I hesitated at first seeing as I wasn’t actually used to human intimacy but I quickly remembered to put my own arms around her.

 It was weird hugging somebody like this who wasn’t Isaac. I mean sure I had grown close to Scott and even Liam but this was different. It was like letting yourself be vulnerable and then letting the other person comfort you with just there love and affection. This was more intimacy that I’ve had with anyone since Isaac left. But it was strangely comforting and I soon found myself wrapping my arms even tighter around Melissa.

An obnoxious honking noise was soon heard from outside that caused the two of us to finally break apart.

“It looks like Stiles is here to pick you up,” Melissa let out a soft chuckle as her hands rested on my shoulders. I gave her a small smile as and she eventually let her arms drop back down to her sides, “Have a good day at school sweetheart.”

I nodded as I quickly grabbed my school bags and headed out the door. I had yet to see Scott this morning which hopefully just meant that he was sleeping in.

“Well someone’s looking happy today,” Stiles noted as I hopped into his car.

“I am happy,” I realized as I looked back at the house. I never understood until now what it was supposed to feel like when you have a parent look after you, one that actually loves you. Melissa is really taking on that Guardian role.

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