✧Helping Liam✧

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Chapter 6- Helping Liam

Scott, Stiles, and I never got Liam back. But maybe that's not bad. Liam might just need some time to adjust to the fact that he almost got eaten by a teen-aged cannibal and then was bitten by a Junior from his lacrosse team. I know that I thought I was going crazy when I first learned about Isaac and the supernatural world. I had just needed time and for someone to be there for me.

That's what I needed to do, I needed to be there for Liam. Of course Scott and the others needed to be there for him too but he still needed a person that would make sure he had someone to talk to, someone who'll make sure that he's okay. I wanted to be that person. I wanted to finally be able to help someone instead of always being the one in need of help. First, I just needed to be able to talk to him with out seeming like a spluttering mess. That is going to be a challenge.

"So Charlotte, you know what tonight is, right?" Stiles asked once I had hopped into his Jeep so we could head to school.

"The full moon," I answered automatically. That means very little to some people but for me it meant that I'd finally have something to do on a Friday night. Right now Malia was really the only one that still got a little hectic on the full moon but that was being taken care of. We needed to worry about Liam though, if he turns then tonight will be very hard for him. "Are we going to Lydia's lake house?"

"We?" Stiles questioned, taking his eyes off the road so he could look over to me. "What do you mean we?"

I rolled my eyes at Stiles. "Stiles, my brother is a werewolf. I've witnessed full moon's before. I was there last month! Why should this be different?"

"Because if Liam survives the bite this will be his first full moon. It'll be dangerous." Stiles explained.

"That mean's your going to need as much help as you can get."

Stiles shook his head but gave up with the arguing, which was totally fine with me because arguing made my skin crawl. Soon we were pulling into the school's parking lot and we found a spot that was conveniently right next to where Scott parked his motorcycle.

"Ready to find Liam?" Scott asked us once we'd gotten out of the jeep.

"Um, no," I answered, feeling a bit bad for not wanting to help Scott.

"Wait, what? In the car you were just saying how you were going to help us." Stiles said in both shock and confusion.

"I'll help you with the full moon, yes," I explained, not quite meeting the eyes of the two boys. "Tracking down Liam in the middle of a school day, I can't do though. I mean what do you want me to do when I find him in the hallway or something, stare at him to death as he talks to his friends?"

"Well, that could work." Stiles contemplated with a shrug. I shook my head and looked to the ground. I swear that their plans get worse and worse every time.

Scott gave Stiles a small shove before looking to me. "Don't worry about it Charlotte, we understand. You don't have to do something that your not comfortable with, okay?"

I nodded gratefully at Scott and we all split ways. I went to a nearby lunch table to check for my sketchpad which I had thankfully brought today. Then, as I looked up, I noticed Scott standing alone with a solemn look on his face. I quickly followed his gaze to see who was on the receiving end only to see Liam. His eyes widened as he looked back at Scott before he turned and quickly headed inside of the school building.

"Seriously?" I questioned Scott once I got close enough to him so nobody else would hear. "Did you really just try to pull a Derek with the whole brooding stare thing?"

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