✧Teenage Whims✧

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Chapter 15 ✧Teenage Whims✧

“Is he okay?” I asked as I looked down at the still unconscious Scott McCall. By this point Chris and Deaton had moved the young lycanthrope onto one of Deaton’s metal tables – the one Brett had been on but apparently he has left—but the dagger was still deeply lodged into Scott’s side. To most people this was far from okay but for us it was more of a general term. Normally okay meant someone would be able to live and, honestly, the answer would be no most of the time.

 “We are going to need to pull the dagger out of him,” Deaton explained. Scott began stirring on the table which stopped Deaton from elaborating his answer and caused him to look down at his patient. “Hey there, I was actually hoping you were going to be out for a few more minutes.”

 Scott looked around in confusion at the rest of us. When his puppy dog eyes fell upon me I gave him my best attempt at a comforting smile as I reached out and squeezed his hand. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain he is in and quite frankly I don’t want to. All I wanted is for Scott to be out of pain as soon as possible.

 “Scott,” Chris Argent called out to the young werewolf just as he began to focus in on the sharp object embedded into his side. Chris walked over next to me as he wrapped his hand around the hilt of the dagger. “This is going to hurt.”

 The hunter began pulling the dagger out slowly, almost like he was trying to find out how badly it was in Scott. My friend yelled out in pain as he gripped my hand tightly. Then, in one swift motion, Chris pulled the dagger out of Scott completely. Then Scott rolled off the table and I quickly wrapped my arm around him to help him stand up.

 “Are you alright?” I asked gently. Alright was yet another general term for us.

Instead of answering my question, Scott began looking around the room. “Where’s my dad and the sheriff?”

 “They’re at the hospital,” Deaton explained as he reached around me so he could put something that looked like gauze up to Scott’s open wound, “They’re both doing fine. Hold this.”

 Scott nodded as he held the gauze to his side. After a few heavy breathes, Scott finally said, “It was Kate. It was her and the Berserkers.”

 “We know,” Chris sighed out. We know? I didn’t! I had no idea that Kate had officially become murder buddies with those demonic monsters. “But they move fast and they don’t leave much in the way of tracks.”

 “We have to find her,” Scott declared as he looked around at us, “She’s got Violet. I think Violet knows where Liam is.”

 “Then as much as it hurt it can probably help, can you get a scent?” Deaton questioned as he held out the dagger to Scott. With a determined look, Scott quickly took it from him before holding it close to his face which in my mind was a bit gross. I mean I didn’t like blades to start with but one covered in blood was definitely not something I’d want to handle.

 “Yeah, I can,” Scott told us as he pulled the dagger back some.

 “Then let’s go find her,” Chris stated with a look full of valor. Scott and Chris exchanged a look and soon it was decided that the two of them would leave to track down the bad guys. Just as Chris made for the back door and Scott turned to follow, I grabbed the sleeve of Scott’s jacket.

 “Scott, I want to help,” I spoke quietly, almost like I thought the berserkers were in the room with us.

 His face softened a bit as he put a hand on my shoulder and bent his knees a bit so he could look me in the eyes better. “Char, I’ve dealt with these guys before. They’re big and they’re ruthless. I mean one just stuck a freaking knife into my side! It’s dangerous and I don’t want you out there.”

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