✧Slight Anger Problems✧

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Dedication goes to So-Far-Gone for her appreciation towards Argent's beard.

Chapter 9- Slight Anger Problems

This weekend had purely been dedicated to Liam.

And when I say dedicated know that I mean I tagged along with Scott when he explained everything to Liam. Again, I did nothing to help but I still wanted to be there for Liam. I could tell how much of a struggle the whole transition to being a creature of the night was for him. He was doing surprising well though-which reminded me of Isaac when he had first gotten the bite from Derek. If Liam ever did have troubles or questions he would call either me or Scott. Truthfully, it seemed that if I wasn't with him in person then I was talking to him on the phone. It was the most I've ever consistently talked to someone, including my brother. It's perfectly okay, though, I don't mind talking to Liam.

That was weird for me to actually want to talk, to not be forced. Of course the majority of the conversation was carried on through Liam but I'd still contribute to it here and there. For me that was big, like larger than life big. I was content with being able to be an emotional tether for Liam since I knew I was one of the few people he could actually talk to about this. And, in return, I got to talk to him when I couldn't talk to almost anyone else, literally. It was almost refreshing, like I was experiencing a different life.

Maybe I didn't always have to be the scared little girl whose trust was broken by a man that was supposed to love her through thick and thin. Maybe I can just be Charlotte Lahey, the girl with no family and hardly any friends but she is still all right. Sure, she has anxiety that has the paralyzing abilities more powerful than kanima venom -which she has indeed experienced-and yeah, she might be scared of everything that moves - and the occasional thing that doesn't-but it's okay because she's working on those things. She still can survive. She can still fight.

I want to fight. I've always been to terrified to see fighting my fears as anything more than an impossible task but maybe it's time for that to change. Maybe I can win at something for once.

Or maybe I'll fail trying and end up getting myself and other's hurt or killed. That seems to tend to be how my life plays out.

But sometimes you have to jump before you can know how far the fall is; at least, that's what I've heard.

I've always been deathly afraid of jumping into anything but maybe with Liam and the other's help I can get over those fears that have controlled my life for fourteen-almost fifteen-years.

"Hello," Stiles ever so kindly raised his hand to my face and shook it to snap me out of my thinking, "Little miss dreamer girl, were at school. You can get out now, no pressure or anything."

I smiled full-heartedly over at Stiles because I was honestly happy, despite the horror we were currently having a show down with. "Thanks for the ride Stilinski."

"No problem, Lahey."

I was granted a sarcastic eye roll from the brown-eyed boy before he hoped out of the car. I quickly followed his actions because it was Monday and I apparently needed to get a good education. It's actually ironic that I knew more about the world then my teacher's did.

I took my usual route into school, the side entrance. There were less people which meant less problems both emotionally and physically. It's not only that I'm and anxiety filled time bomb, I'm also a tiny little nobody which means I'm pretty much invisible to the student body of Beacon Hills.

Sadly, the hallways seemed to be more clogged up than usual. Some of the little teenage gossip-addicts were buzzing about a murder at the school. A girl had gotten murdered at school and, even though it wasn't the first murder at school, the students seemed to find this new information fairly fascinating.

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