✧Supernatural Smallpox✧

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RIP Robin Williams. He was one of my favorite childhood actors and he will always and forever be in our hearts.

Chpter 17 ✧Supernatural Smallpox✧

I stared down at Derek’s text as I read it over and over again in my mind, any traces of the happiness I had felt with Liam just a few moments ago washed away with the smile on my face.

From: Sour Wolf

Epidemic break out at the school. Will kill all supernatural creatures. If you’re there you need to get Scott and the others away from everybody.

As the words pieced together in my mind I felt worry flood through me. An epidemic at school? Does that mean like small pox? If Scott and the others are in trouble then I needed to get there now.

“Charlotte,” Liam called to me and I suddenly remembered that he was there with me, “Is something wrong.”

“Yeah, something at the school. Scott needs me there, I have to get going,” I quickly stood up from the bench and Liam mirrored my actions.

“I’ll come with you,” Liam offered but I just shook my head.

“It’s not something you can help with,” I said before I even thought what I was saying through. Then I saw Liam’s face and realized how cruel I must’ve sounded, “I mean they need a human to help. You should probably just get home.”

The look and Liam’s face showed that what I had said hadn’t made him feel any better and I quickly turned away before I could start feeling to guilty. I began the long trek to school and thankfully, Liam didn’t follow me. I knew I had hurt his feelings but this was for the better. He may want to help me but I’m not going to let him put himself in danger to do so. Derek had said the epidemic would kill any supernatural creature and Liam would be no exception. There was no way I was about to risk him getting hurt.

Especially not after what just happened between the two of us.

Liam and I had kissed and it was everything a girl’s first kiss should be. It had been perfect, cliché, awkward, and about fifty million other things. And on top of that I had finally opened up to Liam about my past. Honestly, for a little while I felt like the world of pain and torture that has been weighing down on my shoulders had been lifted. Of course it had come crashing back down on me when I read Derek’s text but the few moments before that were irreplaceable. I actually kind of hated Derek right now.

Finally, the school came into my line of vision and when it did I couldn’t help but gasp. Surrounding it seemed to be every law enforcement member that lived in or hear Beacon Hills. Covering the windows were some form of lament so people couldn’t look in or out of them. Apparently Derek wasn’t the only one who knew about this epidemic.

I curtained around the large mass of confused civilians until I made my way to the caution tape. From there I saw both Stiles and Scott’s dad talking in front of the closed off school.

“A-agent McCall,” I called out to them in a voice that barely qualified as a whimper. God do I hate crowds. “Sheriff!”

By some miracle, both men heard me. They ceased there talking and looked over to see me looking utterly terrified and morbidly uncomfortable.

“Hey, let her through! She’s with me,” Scott’s dad told some nearby officers who lifted the tape so I could go under it. With my eyes locked on the ground, I sped walked over to the two familiar men.

“What’s happening?” I questioned once I got to them.

“Quarantine,” Sheriff sighed out as Agent McCall began talking to another officer, “How did you hear about this?”

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