✧Birthday Surprise✧

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Chapter 27 Birthday Surprise

"Isaac," I breathed out.

Standing in front of me was my last living relative towering over me with a happy smirk and a purple ribbon tied into a large birthday bow stuck onto his broad chest. Everything was just like I remembered. It was the same Isaac I had etched into my mind and sketchpad. The only difference was this one was real.

"Happy Birthday, Kiddo," My brother said as he continued to smirk.

"Oh my god, Isaac," I repeated in a barely audible tone before tackling my older sibling. I heard him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me tightly to return the hug. With tears brimming my eyes I buried my face into his dark sweater. I never felt more at home then I did in that moment.

"So you got my letters?" Isaac questioned as he pulled away so his sapphire blue eyes could look into mine.

"Yeah, Scott gave them to me," I confirmed, blushing a little as I saw the vague tear stains I had left on his shirt. I ignored them for now.

Isaac smiled happily and I realized his own eyes glazing over in tears of joy. I guess I'm not the only one who finds family reunions heart warming. I guess there could be other family members of ours here that would make this less enjoyable but right now Isaac was all I wanted. This would definitely be ranked as my best birthday I've ever had.

Eventually the sound of someone clearing their throat came from behind me and Isaac looked to see what his werewolf hearing had picked up on. I watched as the smile quickly fell from his face.

"There's a boy in your room."

"Uh, yeah. Th-there definitely is, " I mumbled nervously as I turned to look at a confused Liam still sitting on my bed. Isaac had some pretty bad timing.

"And who are you," Liam questioned, his eyebrows furrowing into a frown as he stood up and walked over next to me.

Isaac lightly pushed me to the side so he could look down to the younger boy and growl, "I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm Liam, Charlotte's friend," There was hesitance in Liam's voice as he said friend and I was sure ISaac would pick up on it.

"I'm her older brother, Isaac," My brother declared as if they were in some kind of competition.

"You're a werewolf too then?" Liam questioned, the hardened look on his face getting the slightest bit gentler.

Isaac looked taken aback by Liam realization and my brother looked over to me, "Who the hell is this kid?"

"Scott's... well, Scott's beta," I explained carefully.

"Hold up," Isaac waved his hands before pointing them at Liam, "This kid is Scott's beta?"

"Do you have to keep referring to me as kid?" Liam practically growled at my brother which caused me to grin. This was very very bad.

"Well you're like a foot shorter than me so, yeah, I do," Isaac retorted.

"I told you Scott had a Beta," I said to get them back on track.

"I guess I just imagined him as taller," Isaac shrugged mockingly, "And not in your bedroom."

"It's not like that," I told my brother quickly as I nervously looked over to Liam and begged him not to say anything more.

"I know it's not," Isaac assured me, "Because if it was the kids liver would be over there and his appendages right there."

As Isaac assigned Liam's insides to different sections of my room I felt myself grown internally than externally. This was just about putting me in physical pain.

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