✧The Unexpected✧

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So yeah check out that gif I made of Darlotte (which is the ship name that was chosen for Derek and Charlotte.) They are pretty much my Brotp.

Chapter 22 The Unexpected

I stood in silence outside of Derek's loft, trying to gather up the courage to knock on the bulky metal door. I was slightly hungry and, honestly, a bit of a mess seeing as I had just walked all the way here from the McCall household. And by mess I do not just mean physically-though my hair would need a lot of tending to before it would be Lydia-approved. I was more of an emotional mess than anything else, though. I just didn't know how I was supposed to feel after everything that has been going on.

Eventually, I let out a long sigh before raising my fist and banging it on the large metal slab that Derek called his front door. It took only seconds for the door to slide open and Derek to look down at me with his brow furrowing in confusion. I guess I got so caught up in the mist of my emotional breakdown and forgot to tell him I was coming.

"Is that my jacket?" Derek questioned as he motioned toward the leather material I had clutched in one of my hands. I nodded slowly as Derek opened his door even further, "Do you need to come inside?"

I nodded once more as I walked inside, my eyes on the ground as I entered my former home. After I had walked all the way to the wall of windows at the end of Derek's loft, I decided I was going to have to turn to face him. I did just that and saw Derek leaning against one of the support beams as his eyes stayed trained on me, probably still confused as to why I was here. Maybe he knew that I had pieced some things together. Or maybe he thought I had finally broken and had turned delirious or something like that.

"Derek," I started but just that word alone caused my voice to crack. Worry fell over the ex-alpha's face as he pushed off of the beam and looked like he was debating whether or not he should come over to me. But I took a deep breath as I looked down at his jacket before speaking once more, "Derek, when I got your jacket I-I found blood on it."

Derek lifted his chin ever so slightly as he examined me, trying to figure out how much I knew. "And?"

"Were you hurt?"

"Why does it matter?"

I sighed as I walked over to Derek and held the jacket out to him which he quickly took. "Can you just tell me what happened, Derek? Please?"

This time it was Derek who sighed as he fell victim to my pleading blue-eyes. "I was shot but I'm fine now."

"Where?" I pressed on.

Derek shook his head as he motioned to his side, "Here."

Before I really thought about it, I reached out and pressed my hand to Derek's side. I had barely put any pressure on it when Derek grabbed my wrist and pushed it away, but not before I saw him wince ever so slightly from the pain. I gulped as the two of us made eye contact. It looks like my worries were correct.

"You're not healing," I concluded as my hand fell back to my side, "What else isn't working?"

"Everything," Derek told me and I felt myself gasp ever so slightly. I knew that I had suspected such a thing but hearing Derek confirm it was like I was discovering the truth all over again.

"How?" I forced out in a hushed whisper.

Derek shrugged as he tossed his jacket onto the couch, "Whatever Kate did to me is still affecting me."

I ran a hand through my tangled brown hair as I took all of this in for the second time. It was a lot to maul over, especially with everything else going on right now. "What are we going to do?"

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