✧Invincibility Is Not Strength✧

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Chapter 29 Invincibility Is Not Strength

Nothing is worse than growing up and realizing blowing candles out on a birthday cake, silently thinking about what you want most in the world, doesn't make a wish come true. But just because I'm fifteen now doesn't mean I can't keep pretending that a wish upon dinky neon candle can't come true. After all, if werewolves and wendigoes are real then is it too much to ask for magic to exist too?

And that is the exact reason as to why I made a wish when Scott's mom brought out my red velvet birthday cake last night.

Please, please, don't take Isaac away again.

And then I swiftly blew out the candles with a small huff as Scott clapped his hands and Stiles loudly whooped his encouragement in the background. Derek had ended up slapping Stiles upside the head as Isaac snickered, causing Stiles to glare back at my brother. Lydia had then snapped at the boys to pick what ice cream they wanted as Kira got to cutting the cake and placing them on plates with the help of Malia.

I've got to say, as far as first birthday parties go, that one was amazing. Everyone laughed and all of them gave me small little gifts. I don't think I'd ever seen the Sheriff laugh that much. And Braeden even stopped by for a little while to give me a pocket knife before she went off to tend to some 'business'. So yeah, all in all it was probably the most fun I had in a long time. There's only one bad thing that came out of it.

My wish did not come true and that is the very reason as to why I am once again standing in the airport. You would think that the first time Isaac left would've prepared me for this but it didn't. I feel like my heart is ripping into two pieces all over again and I hated it.

"I'm kind of getting tired of losing you," I told my brother, trying my best to not let my voice crack too much.

"Was that sarcasm?" Isaac inquired thoughtfully, "I feel like it was sarcasm. My little sister is growing up and turning sassy."

I gave my brother a small nudge while I walked side by side with him as he got to where he was boarding his plane, "It was honesty."

"Well I can give you some honesty too," Isaac declared. He hesitated a moment before looking down at me seriously, "I approve."

"What?" I asked in confusion. Now it was my turn to wonder if my sibling was practicing the art of sarcasm.

Isaac sighed heavily like it was the hardest task he's ever done, "That little beta kid. I approve of him."

"Liam?" I questioned. Then, suddenly, my eyes widened as I realized what my brother was implying, "Wait, no, Isaac I told you it wasn't anything like that! It's just-"

Isaac waved his hands around to cut me off, "I know, I know it's not. I know you Charlotte. But I also know you can't be alone for the rest of your life."

"I'm not alone," I said quietly, "I have Scott and Stiles and Derek and even Lydia. And it's not like you're leaving leaving either."

"That's not what I mean, Char," Isaac clarified, "I mean you've been so scared of letting people in. Like, really in. I'm here for you no matter what but other people don't understand. If I'm gone you need someone who understands you."

"People can't exactly just understand what we've been through," I reminded him, shuttering as the thought.

Isaac put a hand on my shoulder before I could fall back into the memories of our twisted childhood, "Don't do that to yourself. Don't think about how you're not strong or worth telling your problems to people. You're amazing and that boy knows it."

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