✧Not Another Loss✧

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Chapter 14- ✧Not Another Loss✧

“Please, Derek, please get me out of here,” I begged through my pounding headache. I felt like anxiety was crushing my lungs and I knew I just had to get out of this school. It was a reminder that I was stuck being useless while everyone else was out doing something to save lives. And worst of all, they were all in danger. I could lose any my friends at any moment and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

Derek nodded slowly as he wrapped an arm around my still shaking body and led me out of the school as Malia tailed behind us. Derek quickly and silently packed me into the car as he and Malia climbed into the front seats.

“Do you want me to take you back home?” Derek asked as he began to pull out of the school’s parking lot.

“No,” I said quickly, causing a stunned Derek Hale to look back at me through the rear view mirror. “I-I don’t want to just sit around worrying. Can you take me to like the animal clinic?”

Derek nodded and turned in the direction of the animal clinic. On the way there he told me about how he and Malia were going to try to track down the rest of Brett’s pack, not that I really cared but I think he was just trying to get my mind off of everything else. I appreciated his attempt even though it wasn’t working to well.

“I’ll tell Scott you’re here,” Derek offered and I simply nodded my head before hopping out of the car. Derek and Malia then sped away as I walking into the animal clinic, causing the bells on the door to chime.

“Charlotte,” Deaton looked surprised once he came out and saw me standing in the waiting area of the clinic, “Is there something I can help you with?”

“I-I don’t’ know,” I admitted as tears began to resurface all over again as I plopped down in one of the empty chairs, “I don’t even know why I’m here.”

Deaton came over to me and knelt in front of me, “Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong.”

I shrugged my shoulders as I rubbed some tears away. “I’m so useless.”

“Charlotte I feel like you don’t remember the first time we met,” Deaton said and I looked up at him, not entirely sure what the subject had to do with anything. Deaton smiled, knowing he had caught my attention, “The first time you came here was for your brother when we were trying to get back the memories that the alpha’s had taken. You made sure that you were there for Isaac and that he didn’t get hurt when we put him under. You don’t realize it but you’re a strong young girl.”

I shook my head. “That’s different, the reason I was there was because I was scared of losing Isaac, not because I was strong.”

“Well what are you scared of this time?” Deaton asked softly.

“I’m scared of losing Liam,” I admitted. I haven’t known Liam for that long and yet I was just so terrified of even the thought of losing him. I hadn’t realized how much he meant to me or how much he has helped me until now. And I just can’t lose him.

I can’t lose him because I like him.

Since Mason had made me realize that I did indeed feel something towards the lacrosse player, I tried to push the thoughts away and deny it. That obviously hadn’t worked. I’d fallen way harder for Liam then I had even thought possible and of course I had to realize that in a moment like this.

“And you think you’re here because you think can’t help him?” Deaton clarified. I simply nodded my head in response. “I don’t think that’s quite it. I think you want to do something, maybe you want to help me.”

Scared to Death ✧Liam Dunbar✧[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now