✧The Mission Begins✧

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Chapter 33 - The Mission Begins

"Should I ask what this plan of yours even is?" I questioned Stiles cautiously. Stiles just looked into his rearview mirror and gave me a weak smile.

After Stiles had made a quick phone call to god knows who, we -- meaning Stiles, Malia, Liam and myself- had piled into his trusty blue jeep and were heading to an undisclosed area at an ungodly rate. Gripping tightly to the seat I was in, I quickly reminded that this was for Scott. We had to find him.

Eventually, we came to a spasmodic stop in an abandoned building at the outskirts of the town. Immediately, Stiles and Malia jumped out of the car as Liam and I followed their actions.

Pulling up just as we finished getting out was Breaden in a large, silver, van. She hopped out gracefully as she began taking long strides over to us, her signature scars glinting in the dim light coming in through dusty windows.

"How did you get the police transport van?" Stiles asked as we all moved together to talk.

Braeden shrugged. "I'm a US Marshall."

"Yeah, I thought that was just a cover."

Braeden stared at Stiles with a vague look of amusement as Derek pulled up in his own car with Peter in the passenger seat next to him. The two Hale's wasted no time getting out of their car and joining our little meeting.

"Are we really bringing him?" Derek nodded towards Liam.

"Are we really bringing him?" Stiles countered, pointing towards the v-neck wearing Hale.

"We're bringing everyone we can," A narrow-eyed Peter said sharply, sending a shiver down my spine. He was giving me a feeling that told me his intentions weren't right but, then again, nothing had ever been right with Peter Hale.

Still, this time something felt different.

"And considering Scott and Kira were taken the night before a full moon," Peter continued hastily, "We should probably get going."

"What's that mean?" Malia questioned her newfound father.

"If Kate took Scott to the same temple she took Derek how do we know she won't do the same thing to him?" Peter answered her with a question that did little to help my uneasiness towards the whole situation.

"She wants to make him younger?" Liam asked in confusion.

"Or take him back when he wasn't a werewolf," Derek suggested.

"A werewolf can't steal a true alpha's power but, maybe, a werejaguar with the power she's got behind her can," Peter guessed. "So if everyone is sufficiently freaked out, I say we get going."

"We can't," I said suddenly, my voice was low but sharp, causing the others to look at me.

Stiles nodded as he honed in on what I was thinking. "Yeah, not without Lydia."

"Well, where is she?" Derek asked impatiently as Stiles began to call her.

"She's at school," I explained quietly.

Derek's frown deepened "What's she doing at the school?"

"We have Kira's sword," Malia said, waving around our friends Katana to show him. "But we need something with a stronger scent, Lydia went to go get a jacket from her locker."

"Nothing," Stiles mumbled as he turned back to us, the unhappy look on his face clearly stating that he hadn't gotten an answer from the strawberry blonde.

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