✧Desperate Times Call For Desperate Alliances✧

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Chapter 31 Desperate Times Call For Desperate Alliances

"So you got a text from him too?" Stiles asked as he sped down the road to get to his game on time. I nodded and Stiles frowned slightly, "So did I. Let me guess, it said 'I'm with Kira still so I might be a little late to the game'?"

"Well, it had a 'Love You' at the end of it but yeah, that's basically it," I answered, recollecting the message Scott had sent me early.

"Wait, whoa. You got a Love You?" Stiles asked, sounding a bit wounded, "I didn't get a Love You."

"Stiles," I rolled my eyes and tried my best to conceal my smile, "Let's- let's just concentrate on making sure we're not late to the game, too."

The lacrosse player nodded in agreement as he pushed down even harder the gas pedal on his old jeep. I gripped my seat tightly and tried to assure myself that Stiles is an amazing driver, even at high speeds like this.

Eventually, we made it to the school and barged through the doors, only to be greeted by Liam who seemed to be waiting for anxiously for us. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, to the boy who seemed to be drifting away from me with every waking second, but, before I could, Liam cut me off.

"Where's Scott?"

The urgency in Liam's question caused Stiles and I to exchange a look. It was having someone so worked up that wasn't me. Stiles then turned his gaze to the beta so he could explain our little predicament to him.

"Well how late is late?" Liam questioned, his sky blue eyes having clouds of worry slowly storm into them, "We're playing Devenford Prep again and this time it's an actual game. H-he shouldn't be late!"

"Whoa," Coach Finstock cut into our conversation as he joined us out in the hallway, "Who shouldn't be late?"

I cringed, knowing that this conversation wasn't about to result to fun and joy. Stiles made a look of displeasure scrunch up on his face before he nodded to Liam, telling him to do answer the question since he was the one who'd gotten caught.

"Scott and Kira," He murmured.

"Might be slightly late," Stiles added on quickly.

"I have to go find Mason," I muttered before hurriedly scurrying away from the oncoming train wreck.

Despite the text message I had gotten from Scott, I had an eerie feeling bubbling up inside of me. It was like oil churning slowly and heavily in the pit of my stomach, the fumes of my worry almost giving me a headache. I was used to feeling worried and scared and anxious and just about every other negative feeling possible but this was something different, something bigger. Maybe Liam was right to be worried for his alpha.

Mason ended up already being in the stands and, when he saw me, happily waved me over. It looks like the two of us cheering Liam on at games was becoming a ritual for us, not that I minded.

Mason and I talked about the game and about our latest test in History class and before we knew it the two lacrosse teams were making their way to the fields, causing an enthusiastic roar to ripple throughout the eager crowd. I looked through everyone to see Sheriff Stilinski and Malia just now arriving. The Sheriff saw me and shot me a wave only to look shocked when I actually returned it. A slow smile crept across his face before he turned away and found himself and Malia some seats.

"I think I'm going to go wish Liam good luck," I told Mason. My friend nodded to me understandingly and so I quickly slipped through the crowd to get to both Stiles and Liam who were currently sitting on the benches, putting on the last bits of their gear.

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