✧The Deadpool Strikes Again✧

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Chapter 24 The Deadpool Strikes Again

Just as I was getting settled into my class- which, mind you, had taken a good forty-five minutes to achieve such a state seeing as my social anxiety skyrocketed by the mere action of stepping into a classroom- my phone buzzed in my pocket. I discreetly pulled it out and marveled at how good of service I was getting in this class which was normally more of a dead zone. But then I read Liams text and all my marveling turned to worry.


Can we meet up? I'm at the stairs near coaches office.

I quickly put the phone back in my pocket before beginning to pack up my stuff. The good thing about being invisible in this school is that nobody noticed when I was gone. That's probably one of the things I love most about my social status. Another thing I loved was my seat. It was in the corner of the class with nothing next to me except one of the doors. That meant I could slip out without being noticed or missed. I'd actually done it a few times when I really had to pee or if I got the sudden craving for the goldfish I had in my locker. Either way, I would leave and without any consequences because they'd already taken attendance there for the rest of the class everybody seemed to forget I exist. Or, even more likely, they didn't know I had existed in the first place.

So just like that, I slipped out of the back of the class without a single head turning in my direction. Oh, the perks of being an Invisible person.

It didn't take me very long to find Liam seeing as coaches office was only about two halls over from my class. But he definitely wasn't the chirpy lacrosse player ready to take on the world with just his ego and his lacrosse stick like he seemed to be when I had first met him. Things had changed so much since then. Now, Liam had his head down as he fiddled nervously with the head of his stick, something obviously bothering him as his eyebrows furrowed but otherwise not moving as I make my way over to him.

"L-Liam?" I questioned quietly as I stood in front of him. I noticed Liam's hands shake ever so slightly as he continued to mess with his lacrosse stick. I sighed before sliding my backpack off and sliding it down to the floor so I could sit next to Liam. "Liam, please, just tell me what's wrong."

When Liam still didn't really acknowledge my presence, I reached out to his hand tentatively. At first he froze up when my hand rested on top of his, which were still messing with the strings on his stick. But then he turned his hand over so it could wrap around mine comfortably as he let out a small breathe, his tense stature seeming to relax ever so slightly.

"What's going on with you?" I questioned him once more.

Liam sighed before resting his elbow on his lacrosse stick to keep it balanced and then looking at me out of the corner of his eye before focusing in on our intertwined hands. "Last night, my printer went off by itself. I couldn't turn it off," Liam explained, almost sounding bitterly amused as he did so, "I hit the cancel and it... it just kept printing."

"What was it printing?"

With Liam's free hand he put down his stick altogether before pulling a paper out of back pocket and handing it over to me. I unfolded it one-handedly as I eagerly looked to see what had Liam so freaked out. Obviously, Isaac wasn't sending Liam letter's too. If he was then Liam would be floating on cloud nine like I had been earlier.

My eyes widened as they looked down at what Liam's printer had been on a mission to print out. It was a copy of one of the thirds to the deadpool.

"What the hell is this?" Somebody shouted down the hallway. It was Coach Finstock. I could recognize his yell anywhere.

Liam and I exchanged a look before standing up and speed walking over to the outside of coaches office. There we saw Coach Finstock fumbling with his own printer as paper after paper spewed out of it. There was no way that this printer catastrophe could be some kind of coincident.

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