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Here it is guys. The end of all days. (Sometimes I'm known to exaggerate... haha whoops). PS let's pretend that's not daniel she's kissing in the gif cause that's kinda incest.

Epilogue -

We'd managed to get home problem free. Well almost problem free. Stiles, Scott and Liam now had to attempt to survive that wrath of Coach Finstock for missing lacrosse. Now that was going to take a pack effort.

Just as I finished my prayers for my three friends to make it out of their coaches office aline, I began working on opening my locker to get my supplies. Malia and Kira stood with me, jabbering away about something I had only been listening to half-heartedly. I was just glad I was finally now able to walk around with them and contribute to the conversation without being a blubbering mess. Derek was right, I had changed.

I mean, of course if any member of Five Seconds Of Summer were to come up to me and asked me for directions to the nearest bathroom there was a one-hundred percent chance I'd stammer for a good hour before I'd be able to give them a straight answer, but that's just partially because they're Five freaking Seconds of Summer. Not including that scenario, I'd almost say I was getting better. If I were to ask Stiles for his insight on what was happening to me, he would most likely was I was getting 'ballsier'.

Either way, I could talk to the rest of the pack now and that was good enough for me. Even if maybe I could, I wasn't planning on going out and making some new friends. I already had plenty of friends friends, I had a life, I had what ever Liam is to me, and I finally wasn't terrified of my own shadow. Compared to what it had been a year ago, my life was nearly perfect. Sure, things would be a lot greater if Isaac was here but, as an english teacher had once told me somewhere along the horrid road of education, Beggars can't be choosers.

While I was swapping out the books in my locker, a voice intruded my thoughts and caused me to jump. Apparently I'm still not quite over being jumpy, though.

"Little Lahey?"

Worried that he'd be asking me to help hide the bodies of my dear friends, I cautiously turned to look at the one and only Coach Finstock. "Uh, yeah?"

Thankfully, my three friends were all just coming out of the Coach's office and Finstock jammed a thumb in their direction. "Do me a favor and keep this load of imbeciles from getting into any more trouble than need be?"

I smiled vaguely and shook my head in agreement. The three lacrosse players shot me a gracious smile as their coach retreated back into his cave. Kira and Malia then left me to walk with Scott and Stiles to class but their presence was quickly replaced by Liam's.

"So coach didn't kill you?" I noted.

Liam shot me a grin and shook his head. "He looked like he might kill Scott and Stiles but, no, I don't think missing some practice was quite enough for him to kill me."

"Probably because you're the next up and coming Jackson Whittemore," I informed him, the memory of the Scott's kanima-turned-werewolf co-captain that had left us for London.

"Jackson Whittemore?" Liam inquired.

I paused in the middle of removing my geometry book from my locker as I tried to think of a way to describe Jackson to Liam before I realized I didn't have the words nor the time to do so. "That's a story I'll have to tell you some other time."

"How about Friday?" Liam asked anxiously.

My mind worked slowly on Liam's question as it was too stunned by the fact that Liam was currently more anxious than me but when it had registered the inquiry, I began to blush. "You mean like-"

Scared to Death ✧Liam Dunbar✧[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now