✧Operation Save Scott McCall✧

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Chapter 32 Operation Save Scott McCall

After Stiles had stranded me at the game without any inclination of telling me he was leaving me in the dust, I had to resort to waiting around for Mama McCall to pick me up. She'd raced over as soon as her shift had ended so it was needless to say that both of us were fuming at the pale, spastic, disaster of a teenager. Being in the dark was something I had long since grown tired of and Stiles very much knew that.

I sighed, sitting up from my bed after a restless night of sleep. I had yet to get a message from Scott or Stiles or anybody else. Scott hadn't come home, leaving me to believe that we'd been wrong to believe that we were in the clear of the terrors of the supernatural world. The McCall pack just can't seem to get a break.

My phone buzzed from under my pillow. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and sat up, grabbing my phone and unlocking it in the process. It was message from Stiles so, unsurprisingly, it gave no answers to the questions that had been flooding my mind for the past twelve hours.

From: Stiles

WAKE UP! GET DRESSED! BRUSH YOUR TEETH! I'm coming to pick you up in ten.

And he was getting grumpy from the message Scott had sent to us yesterday.

I frowned at him before rereading the meassage. As lovely as it was to know that, it would also be nice to know why he was picking me up. Surely there couldn't be a good reasoning behind it. It had to have something to do with Scott's whereabouts and if my guts were for once not over analyzing everything, something very bad had happened to my friend.

I started chewing subconsciously on the inside cheek, barely even noticing that it started to feel raw from the nervous habit. My hands shakily drew clothes out of my drawers to swap for my pajama's. My mind was too cloudy to focus on what exactly I was picking out but in that moment I didn't care whether Lydia would give me a shameful look or not, I just wanted to get Scott back.

The sounds of obnoxious honking let me know the ten minutes Stiles had given me were up. I rushed down the stairs as fast as I could without tripping over myself before I rushed outside and into the pale blue jeep that I started to feel like was my second home. When things cooled down again I was going to have to remind Stiles to get an air freshener in here because my second home was beginning to wreak of post-practice sweat.

"So," I started off slowly, my hands gripping to the seat nervously. "What's the, uh, well, where's Scott?" I rushed to ask.

"Funny story actually," Stiles said in a hard tone as he sped his car away from the McCall household, leading me to believe that their was close to nothing humorous about our situation. "Basically, Scott and Kira seemed to have gone back to Mexico."

"Mexico? They were just going to Derek's loft to, well, ya know."

"Well they were at Derek's loft for their date thingy," Stiles tried to clarify it all but, like usual, he only made things seem more cryptic. "Look, this guy with a third eye thingy predicted them being taken by Kate and the berserkers to Deaton and his prediction came true apparently."

I stared at Stiles blankly for a few moments. Even with my knowledge of the supernatural world, everything that was going on right now only seemed to be getting more and more confusing. Eventually, I sighed, giving up on trying to understand, before saying, "Fine, one last question, where are we going now."

"To see me dad at the sheriff's station," Stiles answered as he took a hard turn into the parking lot. "We need to hatch a plan, or something."

Again, I sighed but this time it wasn't because of the exasperated feeling I was getting. It was because of the sudden overwhelming anxiety I was feeling. Men with third eyes, berserkers, Kate Argent, kidnappings, assassins, Peter hale, it was like the whole freaking world was going against us.

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