✧It Ends Tonight✧

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Dedication for this final chapter goes to idkblamethegoverment. I really loved all your comments on the last chapter so thank you very very much.

Chapter 36 It Ends Tonight

The fighting around us only seemed to get more intense. I caught a glimpse of Kate Argent in her werejaguar form and a chill went down my spine. Leave to the psychopathic bitch to come back to life.

And now Derek was gone because she just couldn't seem to stay dead.

I gritted my teeth, I feeling rushing through me, telling me I had to do something besides being a bystander. My body began rising from the dirt ground, making myself visible behind the vehicle I had been using for cover. I don't know what I was planning on doing and I never got to find out. As quickly as I began to stand, I was pulled back to the ground by Jordan Parrish.

"What the hell are you doing?" He questioned. "If you want to stay alive you've got to stay down."

I shook my head, my jaw tensed with the image of Kate Argent burned into my mind. That's why I had drawn her when I was in the weight room with Liam and Mason. I had created a warning without even realizing it and I just, I needed to make that right. I needed to do something.

"She killed him." I stated angrily. My voice had gone back to being shaky but it was no longer because of fear. My voice was shaking from the utter hatred I felt towards Kate and the Berserkers.

Jordan looked at me in confusion. Kate had killed a lot of people and he clearly didn't understand who I was talking about exactly. He lowered his gun, his mind taken away from the battle around us. He began opening his mouth, a question forming on his lips but it was cut off by a nearby howl.

At first the howl didn't phase me. I'd heard plenty in the time I had been a resident in Beacon Hills. But then I realized I wasn't in Beacon Hills anymore and my mind began to wonder, who had that howl come from? I was surrounded by hunters, not wolves. The closest thing to a wolf was Kate but she hadn't been to one to emit to howl.

I heard a slight growl only to look over my shoulder to see a wolf that hadn't been there moments before. The pitch black creature marched towards me, it's eyes a shade of shimmering blue that told me it was supernatural. It's stride only stopped for a moment so it could look at me, it's eyes meeting mine. I gasped, a surge of relief flowing through me as the wolf bowed it's head to me.

The wolf then picked up it's pace again, charging Kate. I simply stumbled backwards, astonishment rendering me both speechless and motionless. I would've surely fallen back to the ground if it hadn't been to a certain deputy that caught me and kept me on my feet.

His distant voice was asking me if I was okay but I couldn't find the strength to respond. I was too overjoyed by the wolf to do anything other than smile.

I knew that wolf. It was Derek. Derek freaking Hale didn't die, he had just... changed somehow. Either way, Derek was alive and okay. The raging fire of hatred that was burning me from the inside out seemed to simmer down some as it saw Derek attack Kate, knocking her to the ground.

The black werewolf snapped and clawed at Kate and all she could do is let out a pained screech. Jordan let go of me when he saw I could hold myself up again. His questions died off as he watched what was happening in a stunned silence.

Nobody moved or did anything, we just watched as the wolf backed off and turned back into it's true form; a very naked Derek Hale.

Derek didn't seem to mind his nudity as he stood proudly over a cowering werejaguar. I almost felt the need to cheer him on but it was still too soon for me to be able to produce any words.

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