✧Battle Cry✧

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So this chapter is inspired by the song Battle Cry by Imagine Dragons. I have left the video link for the Lyric video over to the side so check it out! But warning, it is kinda flashy I guess and I'm not sure if all of you would be okay with that? I dunno but still check it out!

Chapter 28 Battle Cry

I quickly slid out of the passenger seat of Isaac's rental car as he and I moved towards the building. It was Chris Argent's but, according to Stiles, Scott and Kira had taken Satomi's pack here.

"You know, it's okay if you want to leave," Isaac said, hesitating to open the door's that would lead us inside.

"I'm not going to back down, Isaac," I told him. I looked up at his eyes, a mirror image of my own, a replication of our mothers. They creased ever to slightly as Isaac gave me a small smile.

"You've grown up," He decided, "And I'm not sure if I like it. I still want to protect you."

I let out a quick, shaky laugh, "I won't complain if you do."

"I'll hold you to that," Isaac chuckled before finally pulling the door open and leading us inside.

Through the maze of construction and plastic sheets, Isaac managed to catch the scent of Scott and lead me to him. Once we got to the True Alpha we saw he was accompanied by a good portion of Satomi's pack that had apparently survived the supernatural smallpox epidemic, Kira, and Chris Argent.

Scott beamed at me when he saw my brother and I walking side by side. He and Isaac did that weird slap-hands-and-then-hug-thing that buys are just so fond of doing before he turned to look at me, "Happy Birthday, Charlotte."

"It's your birthday?" Kira questioned and I nodded in response, "Happy Birthday!"

"As a big of a deal it is to turn fifteen, I'm afraid we'll have to celebrate later," Chris cut into our conversation.

"The hunter is right," It was Derek's turn to speak as he arrived with Braeden by his side, "We have to get ready for a battle."

"You definitely haven't changed," Isaac noted, eyeing Derek before taking notice of Braeden with wide eyes, "You're her, that girl that saved me from the alpha's."

"That I am," Braeden agreed with a small smirk, "Good to see you're still alive, Isaac."

"Right back at ya."

Around us, people began moving to their positions. Those who couldn't fight were put into safe places, Chris got some help setting up some traps, and Derek began sorting out what little weapons we had. It seemed like it was literally going to be us against the world. How lovely.

I walked over to Scott after he finished talking to Satomi. She seemed to like him, probably sensing the fact that he was indeed a true alpha.

"We need to start coming up with better plans," I murmured to him. Past him I saw Brett staring at us and I quickly cast my eyes to the ground. I might want to be able to help my friends but that doesn't mean I can start going out and making new ones. I'm still not ready for that.

"I'm not sure that's ever going to happen," Scott said, a sense of seriousness behind his joking tone as he did so.

I let out a sigh and nodded before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see my brother looking down to me. The height difference between the two of us was almost comedic.

"We needed to talk," Isaac explained, pulling me away from Scott slightly, "When all of this fighting goes down I don't want you to be in the middle of this. You need to hide."

Scared to Death ✧Liam Dunbar✧[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now